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Data source: instrument NIXE-CAPS


Name New Ice eXpEriment - Cloud and Aerosol Particle Spectrometer
Description NIXE-CAPS (size range 0.6 – 950 μm) is a DMT combination probe including the instruments CAS-Depol (Cloud and Aerosol Spectrometer with Depolarisation) and CIPg (Cloud Imaging Probe grayscale). CAS-Depol: light scattering technique -> size range 0.6 – 50 μm; particle by particle detection -> correction of particle shattering; depolarization technique -> particle asphericity. CIPg: optical imaging technique -> size range 7.5 – 950 μm; particle by particle detection -> correction of particle shattering; particle images -> shape recognition. (22.Jan.2015)
Website of the instrument

last modified 10 years and 1 month ago