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Data source: model ETH_ECMWF_Trajectory_model


Name ETH_ECMWF_Trajectory_model
Acronym ETH_ECMWF_Trajectory_model
Description ETH_ECMWF_Trajectory_model: 1-hourly operational ECMWF analysis and short-term forecast fields; fields at 00, 03, 06, … 21 UTC are from the 4D-var analyses, and fields in between these times are from short-term forecasts. All fields have been interpolated to a regular latitude/longitude grid with 0.5° horizontal grid spacing on the original 137 model levels. The time period covered is from 00 UTC 09 March to 00 UTC 18 April 2014.
Website of the model

last modified 8 years and 7 months ago