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Dataset #3350 | UHSAS-A_AC11_20140916…

RSS 2.0 Atom 1.0
uploaded by U Wien
during ACRIDICON-CHUVA mission.

Primary data


Information about all releases of the current dataset #3350 and their availability. The release number is automatically incremented by 1 for each update, starting at 1 for the first release.
Release Upload Date Filesize File
3 2018-07-10 11.5 MiB Download Icon
2 2018-06-28 11.5 MiB No Download
1 2015-02-05 18.3 MiB No Download

Further Information

  • Begin of free primary data access: 2021-06-02
  • Number of downloads: 1078

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 time (seconds after 00Z of the day of first measurement)
02 volumetric sample flow rate (vccm)
03 sample flow deviation flag
04 STP number concentration of channel 4 (cm^-3)
05 STP number concentration of channel 5 (cm^-3)
06 STP number concentration of channel 6 (cm^-3)
07 STP number concentration of channel 7 (cm^-3)
08 STP number concentration of channel 8 (cm^-3)
09 STP number concentration of channel 9 (cm^-3)
10 STP number concentration of channel 10 (cm^-3)
11 STP number concentration of channel 11 (cm^-3)
12 STP number concentration of channel 12 (cm^-3)
13 STP number concentration of channel 13 (cm^-3)
14 STP number concentration of channel 14 (cm^-3)
15 STP number concentration of channel 15 (cm^-3)
16 STP number concentration of channel 16 (cm^-3)
17 STP number concentration of channel 17 (cm^-3)
18 STP number concentration of channel 18 (cm^-3)
19 STP number concentration of channel 19 (cm^-3)
20 STP number concentration of channel 20 (cm^-3)
21 STP number concentration of channel 21 (cm^-3)
22 STP number concentration of channel 22 (cm^-3)
23 STP number concentration of channel 23 (cm^-3)
24 STP number concentration of channel 24 (cm^-3)
25 STP number concentration of channel 25 (cm^-3)
26 STP number concentration of channel 26 (cm^-3)
27 STP number concentration of channel 27 (cm^-3)
28 STP number concentration of channel 28 (cm^-3)
29 STP number concentration of channel 29 (cm^-3)
30 STP number concentration of channel 30 (cm^-3)
31 STP number concentration of channel 31 (cm^-3)
32 STP number concentration of channel 32 (cm^-3)
33 STP number concentration of channel 33 (cm^-3)
34 STP number concentration of channel 34 (cm^-3)
35 STP number concentration of channel 35 (cm^-3)
36 STP number concentration of channel 36 (cm^-3)
37 STP number concentration of channel 37 (cm^-3)
38 STP number concentration of channel 38 (cm^-3)
39 STP number concentration of channel 39 (cm^-3)
40 STP number concentration of channel 40 (cm^-3)
41 STP number concentration of channel 41 (cm^-3)
42 STP number concentration of channel 42 (cm^-3)
43 STP number concentration of channel 43 (cm^-3)
44 STP number concentration of channel 44 (cm^-3)
45 STP number concentration of channel 45 (cm^-3)
46 STP number concentration of channel 46 (cm^-3)
47 STP number concentration of channel 47 (cm^-3)
48 STP number concentration of channel 48 (cm^-3)
49 STP number concentration of channel 49 (cm^-3)
50 STP number concentration of channel 50 (cm^-3)
51 STP number concentration of channel 51 (cm^-3)
52 STP number concentration of channel 52 (cm^-3)
53 STP number concentration of channel 53 (cm^-3)
54 STP number concentration of channel 54 (cm^-3)
55 STP number concentration of channel 55 (cm^-3)
56 sum of STP number concentrations (cm^-3)

To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.

Dataset Info

Name of dataset

#3350 | UHSAS-A_AC11_20140916_R1.2.ames

Date last revised


Time period of the primary data


* inherited from the metadata of the mission ACRIDICON-CHUVA

Data format

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary):

HALOData Source not specified

Ongoing Subset (see glossary):



No license specified.