Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2016-10-30 | 1007.0 KiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 74 years and 9 months*
- Number of downloads: 54
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of POLSTRACC to join.
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
01 | Elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on day given in line 7 (center of time interval) |
02 | 00. BAHAMAS: ALT (Pressure Altitude) [m] |
03 | 01. BAHAMAS: LAT (Latitude position above WGS84) [degN] |
04 | 02. BAHAMAS: LON (Longitude position above WGS84) [degE] |
05 | 03. BAHAMAS: PSTAT (Static Pressure from NB_PSIA) [hPa] |
06 | 04. BAHAMAS: TSTAT (Static Air Temperature from BDY-TTQ) [K] |
07 | 05. BAHAMAS: POT (Potential Temperature) [K] |
08 | 06. BAHAMAS: TAS (Calculated True Airspeed) [m/s] |
09 | 07. FAIRO: O3 (Ozone) [ppb] |
10 | 08. FAIROCI: O3 (Ozone) [ppb] |
11 | 09. FISH: H2O (Water Vapour) [ppm] |
12 | 10. FISH: H2O_ERR (Water Vapour measurement error) [ppm] |
13 | 11. GHOST_ECD: SF6 (Sulphur Hexafluoride) [ppt] |
14 | 12. GHOST_ECD: CFC12 (CFC-12) [ppt] |
15 | 13. GHOST_MS: H1301 (H1301) [ppt] |
16 | 14. GHOST_MS: H1211 (H1211) [ppt] |
17 | 15. GHOST_MS: H2402 (H2402) [ppt] |
18 | 16. GHOST_MS: H1202 (H1202) [ppt] |
19 | 17. GHOST_MS: CH3Br (Methyl bromide) [ppt] |
20 | 18. GHOST_MS: CH2Br2 (Methylene bromide) [ppt] |
21 | 19. GHOST_MS: CHBr3 (Bromoform) [ppt] |
22 | 20. GHOST_MS: CH2BrCl (Bromochloromethane) [ppt] |
23 | 21. GHOST_MS: CHBrCl2 (Bromodichloromethane) [ppt] |
24 | 22. GHOST_MS: CHBr2Cl (Dibromochloromethane) [ppt] |
25 | 23. GHOST_AGE_CLY: AOA (Mean age of air) [years] |
26 | 24. GHOST_AGE_CLY: CLY (Total inorganic chlorine) [ppt] |
27 | 25. TRIHOP: CO (Carbon monoxide) [ppb] |
28 | 26. TRIHOP: N2O (Nitrous oxide) [ppb] |
29 | 27. TRIHOP: CH4 (Methane) [ppb] |
30 | 28. AENEAS: NO (Nitric oxide) [ppb] |
31 | 29. AENEAS: NOY (Total reactive nitrogen) [ppb] |
32 | 30. AIMS: HCl (Hydrochloride) [ppb] |
33 | 31. AIMS: HNO3 (Nitric acid) [ppb] |
34 | 32. AIMS: ClONO2 (Chlorine nitrate) [ppb] |
35 | 33. CLAMS: EQLAT (Equivalent latitude) [degN] |
36 | 34. CLAMS: BVF (Brunt-Vaisala frequency) [10-4 s-2] |
37 | 35. CLAMS: PV (Potential vorticity) [pvu] |
38 | 36. CLAMS: P (Pressure) [hPa] |
39 | 37. CLAMS: P_WMO (Pressure at the WMO tropopause) [hPa] |
40 | 38. CLAMS: TH (Potential temperature) [K] |
41 | 39. CLAMS: TH_WMO (Potential temperature at the WMO tropopause) [K] |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#4717 | PGS_13_20160202_MERGED_10s_V1.ames
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission POLSTRACC
Data Origin
Genesis of the data (see glossary):
HALO › Data Source not specified
Ongoing Subset (see glossary):
No license specified.