Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2018-04-20 | 863.6 MiB |
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Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: 2024-07-15
- Number of downloads: 385
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
01 | Number of FFT Points (count) |
02 | Pulse Repetition Frequency (Hz) |
03 | Speed of Light * Pulse Repetition Frequency / (4 * Frequency) (m s-1) |
04 | Number of Spectral Avreages (count) |
05 | Number of Range Gates (count) |
06 | Number of Lowest Range Gates (count) |
07 | Range Resolution (m) |
08 | Wave Length (m) |
09 | Micro Seconds (us) |
10 | Average Transmit Power (W) |
11 | Noise Power Co-Channel (Sum over the Spectrum in DSP units) |
12 | Noise Power Cross-Channel (Sum over the Spectrum in DSP units) |
13 | SNR of Calibration Signal Co-Channel (Ratio) |
14 | SNR of Calibration Signal Cross-Channel (Ratio) |
15 | General Radar State (Enumerate) |
16 | Azimut Angle, if > 370 azi-720 represents the middle of the averaging interval, if azi < 370 then azi represents the position of the end of the next data block. (deg) |
17 | Elevation Angle, if > 370 elv-720 represents the middle of the averaging interval, if elv < 370 then elv represents the position of the end of the next data block. (deg) |
18 | North Angle (deg) |
19 | Azimut Angle Velocity (deg/s) |
20 | Elevation Angle Velocity (deg/s) |
21 | Transmit Frequency (MHz) |
22 | Detuning of the Local Oscillator Detected from Txn Footprint (kHz) |
23 | Reflectivity SNRg |
24 | Doppler Velocity VELg (m/s) |
25 | Peak Width RMSg (m/s) |
26 | Linear De-Polarization Ratio LDRg |
27 | Number of Peaksg |
28 | Reflectivity SNRnormal |
29 | Doppler Velocity VELnormal (m/s) |
30 | Peak Width RMSnormal (m/s) |
31 | Linear De-Polarization Ratio LDRnormal |
32 | Number of Peaksnormal |
33 | Reflectivity SNR Cx-Channel |
34 | Cross Channel Correlation |
35 | Differential Phase (deg) |
36 | Cross Channel Correlation Peak weighted |
37 | Co-Channel HSdiv Noise Level (DSP) |
38 | Cross-Channel HSdiv Noise Level (DSP) |
39 | Equivalent Radar Reflectivity Factor Ze of Hydrometeors (Z) |
40 | Equivalent Radar Reflectivity Factor Ze of all Targets (Z) |
41 | Radar Constant related to 5 km Height, and 200 ns pulses. Z = SNR * RadarConst * (range/5 km)^2 * SNRCorFaCo. It changes slightly in time due to the measured transmit power (Z) |
42 | Factor to correct Co-channel SNR based on Receiver calibration measurement by Noisecom source |
43 | Factor to correct Cx-channel SNR based on Receiver calibration measurement by Noisecom source. LDR = SNRcx/SNRco * SnrCorFaCx/SnrCorFaCo (-) |
44 | Correction Factor applied to original RadarConst (Z) |
A | virtual entry: seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0:00 given by 25078 constant values |
B | virtual entry: Range from Antenna to the Centre of each Range Gate given by 487 constant values |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#5711 |
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission NAWDEX-HALO
No license specified.