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Dataset #7044 | ST07_20190909_GhOST_M…

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uploaded by U Frankfurt
during SouthTRAC mission.

Primary data


Information about all releases of the current dataset #7044 and their availability. The release number is automatically incremented by 1 for each update, starting at 1 for the first release.
Release Upload Date Filesize File
2 2020-10-01 14.3 KiB No Download
1 2020-04-24 14.4 KiB No Download

Further Information

  • Begin of free primary data access: in 4 months and 22 days*
  • Number of downloads: 326

*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of SouthTRAC to join.

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 Mean sample time in UT seconds past midnight of flight date
02 C2Cl4 [ppt]
03 C2H3Cl3 [ppt]
04 CCl4 [ppt]
05 CFC11 [ppt]
06 CFC113 [ppt]
07 CFC114 [ppt]
08 CFC115 [ppt]
09 CFC12 [ppt]
10 CH2Br2 [ppt]
11 CH2Cl2 [ppt]
12 CH3Br [ppt]
13 CH3Cl [ppt]
14 CH3I [ppt]
15 CHBr2Cl [ppt]
16 CHBr3 [ppt]
17 CHCl3 [ppt]
18 H1211 [ppt]
19 H1301 [ppt]
20 H2402 [ppt]
21 HCFC141b [ppt]
22 HCFC142b [ppt]
23 HCFC22 [ppt]
24 HFC125 [ppt]
25 HFC134a [s]
26 HFC143a [s]

To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.

Dataset Info

Name of dataset

#7044 | ST07_20190909_GhOST_MS_V3.Ames

Date last revised


Time period of the primary data


* inherited from the metadata of the mission SouthTRAC

Data format

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary):


Ongoing Subset (see glossary):



No license specified.