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Dataset #7350 | SouthTrac_ST23_201911…

RSS 2.0 Atom 1.0
uploaded by U Frankfurt
during SouthTRAC mission.

Primary data


Information about all releases of the current dataset #7350 and their availability.
Release Upload Date Filesize File
1 2020-07-06 4.5 MiB Download Icon

Further Information

  • Begin of free primary data access: 2024-11-26
  • Number of downloads: 358

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
001 Elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on day given in line 7 (center of time interval)
002 000. BAHAMAS: ALT (Pressure Altitude) [m]
003 001. BAHAMAS: LAT (Latitude position above WGS84) [°]
004 002. BAHAMAS: LON (Longitude position above WGS84) [°E]
005 003. BAHAMAS: PSTAT (Static Pressure from NB_PSIA) [hPa]
006 004. BAHAMAS: TSTAT (Static Air Temperature from BDY-TTQ) [K]
007 005. BAHAMAS: POT (Potential Temperature) [K]
008 006. BAHAMAS: TAS (Calculated True Airspeed) [m/s]
009 007. FAIRO: O3 (Ozone) [ppb]
010 008. FAIROCI: O3 (Ozone) [ppb]
011 009. FISH: H2O (Water Vapor) [ppm]
012 010. FISH: H2O_ERR (Water Vapor error) [ppm]
013 011. GHOST_ECD: SF6 (Sulphur Hexafluoride) [ppt]
014 012. GHOST_ECD: CFC12 (CFC-12) [ppt]
015 013. GHOST_MS: C2Cl4 (Tetrachloroethylene) [ppt]
016 014. GHOST_MS: C2H3Cl3 (Trichloroethane) [ppt]
017 015. GHOST_MS: CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride) [ppt]
018 016. GHOST_MS: CFC11 (CFC-11) [ppt]
019 017. GHOST_MS: CFC113 (CFC-113) [ppt]
020 018. GHOST_MS: CFC114 (CFC-114) [ppt]
021 019. GHOST_MS: CFC115 (CFC-115) [ppt]
022 020. GHOST_MS: CFC12 (CFC-12) [ppt]
023 021. GHOST_MS: HCFC141b (HCFC-141b) [ppt]
024 022. GHOST_MS: HCFC142b (HCFC-142b) [ppt]
025 023. GHOST_MS: H1301 (H1301) [ppt]
026 024. GHOST_MS: H1211 (H1211) [ppt]
027 025. GHOST_MS: H2402 (H2402) [ppt]
028 026. GHOST_MS: H1202 (H1202) [ppt]
029 027. GHOST_MS: CH3Br (Bromomethane) [ppt]
030 028. GHOST_MS: CH2Br2 (Dibromomethane) [ppt]
031 029. GHOST_MS: CHBr3 (Tribromomethane) [ppt]
032 030. GHOST_MS: CH2BrCl (Bromochloromethane) [ppt]
033 031. GHOST_MS: CHBrCl2 (Bromodichloromethane) [ppt]
034 032. GHOST_MS: CHBr2Cl (Dibromochloromethane) [ppt]
035 033. GHOST_MS: CH2Cl2 (Dichloromethane) [ppt]
036 034. GHOST_MS: CH3Cl (Chloromethane) [ppt]
037 035. GHOST_MS: CH3I (Iodomethane) [ppt]
038 036. GHOST_MS: CHCl3 (Trichloromethane) [ppt]
039 037. GHOST_MS: HCFC22 (HCFC-22) [ppt]
040 038. GHOST_MS: HFC125 (HFC-125) [ppt]
041 039. GHOST_MS: HFC134a (HFC-134a) [ppt]
042 040. GHOST_MS: HFC143a (HFC-143a) [ppt]
043 041. GHOST_AGE_CLY: AOA (Mean age of air) [years]
044 042. GHOST_AGE_CLY: CLY (Inorganic chlorine) [ppt]
045 043. UMAQS: CO (Carbon monoxide) [ppb]
046 044. UMAQS: N2O (Nitrous oxide) [ppb]
047 045. UMAQS: CO2 (Carbon dioxide) [ppm]
048 046. AENEAS: NO (Nitric oxide) [ppb]
049 047. AENEAS: NOY (Total reactive nitrogen) [ppb]
050 048. AIMS: HCl (Hydrochloride) [ppb]
051 049. AIMS: HNO3 (Nitric acid) [ppb]
052 050. AIMS: ClONO2 (Chlorine nitrate) [ppb]
053 051. HAGARV_LI: CO2 (Carbon dioxide) [ppm]
054 052. HAGARV_LI: CO2_err (Carbon dioxide error) [ppm]
055 053. AMICA: OCS (Carbonyl sulfide) [ppt]
056 054. AMICA: CO (Carbon monoxide) [ppb]
057 055. AMICA: H2O (Water Vapor) [ppm]
058 056. CLAMS_MET: EQLAT (Equivalent latitude) [°]
059 057. CLAMS_MET: BVF (Brunt-Vaisala frequency) [10^-4 s^-2]
060 058. CLAMS_MET: PV (Potential vorticity) [PVU]
061 059. CLAMS_MET: P (Pressure) [hPa]
062 060. CLAMS_MET: P_WMO (Pressure at the WMO tropopause) [hPa]
063 061. CLAMS_MET: TH (Potential temperature) [K]
064 062. CLAMS_MET: TH_WMO (Potential temperature at the WMO tropopause) [K]
065 063. CLAMS_MET: D_2_0PVU_BOT (Potential temperature distance from 2 PVU/380 K surface) [K]
066 064. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_0_2_Asian_Monsoon (fraction of air mass originating from PV_0_2_Asian_Monsoon) [fraction]
067 065. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_2_4_Asian_Monsoon (fraction of air mass originating from PV_2_4_Asian_Monsoon) [fraction]
068 066. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_4_10_Mid_Lat (fraction of air mass originating from PV_4_10_Mid_Lat) [fraction]
069 067. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_10_16_Mid_Lat_Out_Vortex_Edge (fraction of air mass originating from PV_10_16_Mid_Lat_Out_Vortex_Edge) [fraction]
070 068. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_16_18_Out_Vortex_Edge_Vortex_Edge (fraction of air mass originating from PV_16_18_Out_Vortex_Edge_Vortex_Edge) [fraction]
071 069. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_18_20_Vortex_Edge_In_Vortex_Edge (fraction of air mass originating from PV_18_20_Vortex_Edge_In_Vortex_Edge) [fraction]
072 070. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_20_25_Vortex_Below_600K (fraction of air mass originating from PV_20_25_Vortex_Below_600K) [fraction]
073 071. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_25_30_Vortex_600K_800K (fraction of air mass originating from PV_25_30_Vortex_600K_800K) [fraction]
074 072. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: PV_30_Inf_Vortex_Above_800K (fraction of air mass originating from PV_30_Inf_Vortex_Above_800K) [fraction]
075 073. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tibetan_Plateau (fraction of air mass originating from Tibetan_Plateau) [fraction]
076 074. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Northern_Africa (fraction of air mass originating from Northern_Africa) [fraction]
077 075. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Indian_Subcontinent (fraction of air mass originating from Indian_Subcontinent) [fraction]
078 076. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Northern_India (fraction of air mass originating from Northern_India) [fraction]
079 077. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Indian_Ocean (fraction of air mass originating from Indian_Ocean) [fraction]
080 078. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southeast_Asia (fraction of air mass originating from Southeast_Asia) [fraction]
081 079. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Near_East (fraction of air mass originating from Near_East) [fraction]
082 080. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Eastern_China (fraction of air mass originating from Eastern_China) [fraction]
083 081. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Bay_Of_Bengal (fraction of air mass originating from Bay_Of_Bengal) [fraction]
084 082. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Central_America (fraction of air mass originating from Central_America) [fraction]
085 083. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Western_Pacific (fraction of air mass originating from Tropical_Western_Pacific) [fraction]
086 084. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Northern_Midlatitudes (fraction of air mass originating from Northern_Midlatitudes) [fraction]
087 085. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Northern_Polar_Region (fraction of air mass originating from Northern_Polar_Region) [fraction]
088 086. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Eastern_Pacific (fraction of air mass originating from Tropical_Eastern_Pacific) [fraction]
089 087. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southern_Polar_Region (fraction of air mass originating from Southern_Polar_Region) [fraction]
090 088. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean (fraction of air mass originating from Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean) [fraction]
091 089. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Australia (fraction of air mass originating from Australia) [fraction]
092 090. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: New_Zealand (fraction of air mass originating from New_Zealand) [fraction]
093 091. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Marine_Australia_New_Zealand (fraction of air mass originating from Marine_Australia_New_Zealand) [fraction]
094 092. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southern_Africa (fraction of air mass originating from Southern_Africa) [fraction]
095 093. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Amazonia (fraction of air mass originating from Amazonia) [fraction]
096 094. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southern_America (fraction of air mass originating from Southern_America) [fraction]
097 095. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southern_Indian_Ocean (fraction of air mass originating from Southern_Indian_Ocean) [fraction]
098 096. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southern_Atlantic_Ocean (fraction of air mass originating from Southern_Atlantic_Ocean) [fraction]
099 097. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Southeastern_Pacific (fraction of air mass originating from Southeastern_Pacific) [fraction]
100 098. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Total_Earth (fraction of air mass originating from Total_Earth) [fraction]
101 099. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Asia (fraction of air mass originating from Asia) [fraction]
102 100. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Vortex_P4_P8 (fraction of air mass originating from Vortex_P4_P8) [fraction]
103 101. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Vortex_Core_P6_P8 (fraction of air mass originating from Vortex_Core_P6_P8) [fraction]
104 102. CLAMS_AGESPEC: AGEFRAC_L06 (Mass Fraction younger than 6 months) [fraction]
105 103. CLAMS_AGESPEC: AGEFRAC_G24 (Mass Fraction older than 24 months) [fraction]
106 104. CLAMS_AGESPEC: AGE (Mean age of air) [months]
107 105. CLAMS_AGESPEC: EE_90 (Artificial tracer with 90 days lifetime) [fraction]
108 106. CLAMS_AGESPEC: EE_720 (Artificial tracer with 720 days lifetime) [fraction]
109 107. CLAMS_AGESPEC: AGESPEC_P50 (Median of age spectrum) [months]
110 108. CLAMS_CHEM: F11_CLAMS (CFC-11) [1]
111 109. CLAMS_CHEM: F12_CLAMS (CFC-12) [1]
112 110. CLAMS_CHEM: F113_CLAMS (CFC-113) [1]
113 111. CLAMS_CHEM: F22_CLAMS (CFC-22) [1]
114 112. CLAMS_CHEM: H1211_CLAMS (H1211) [1]
115 113. CLAMS_CHEM: H1301_CLAMS (H1301) [1]
116 114. CLAMS_CHEM: CH3Br_CLAMS (Bromomethane) [1]
117 115. CLAMS_CHEM: CCl4_CLAMS (Carbon tetrachloride) [1]
118 116. CLAMS_CHEM: Bry_CLAMS (Inorganic Bromine) [1]
119 117. CLAMS_CHEM: Cly_CLAMS (Inorganic Chlorine) [1]
120 118. CLAMS_CHEM: MeCl_CLAMS (Chloromethane) [1]
121 119. CLAMS_CHEM: ClONO2_CLAMS (Chloronitrate) [1]
122 120. CLAMS_CHEM: HOBr_CLAMS (Hypobromous acid) [1]
123 121. CLAMS_CHEM: BrONO2_CLAMS (Bromonitrate) [1]
124 122. CLAMS_CHEM: N2O_CLAMS (Nitrous oxide) [1]
125 123. CLAMS_CHEM: CO_CLAMS (Carbon monoxide) [1]
126 124. CLAMS_CHEM: O_1D_CLAMS (Oxygen atoms (1D)) [1]
127 125. CLAMS_CHEM: O_3P_CLaMS ( ) [1]
128 126. CLAMS_CHEM: O3_CLAMS (Ozone) [1]
129 127. CLAMS_CHEM: NO_CLAMS (Nitrogen oxide) [1]
130 128. CLAMS_CHEM: NO3_CLAMS (Nitrate) [1]
131 129. CLAMS_CHEM: NO2_CLAMS (Nitrogen dioxide) [1]
132 130. CLAMS_CHEM: N2O5_CLAMS (Dinitrogen pentoxide) [1]
133 131. CLAMS_CHEM: HONO2_CLAMS (Nitric acid) [1]
134 132. CLAMS_CHEM: OH_CLAMS (Hydroxyl radical) [1]
135 133. CLAMS_CHEM: HO2_CLAMS (Hydroperoxy radical) [1]
136 134. CLAMS_CHEM: H2O2_CLAMS (Hydrogen peroxide) [1]
137 135. CLAMS_CHEM: CH4_CLAMS (Methane) [1]
138 136. CLAMS_CHEM: HCHO_CLAMS (Formaldehyde) [1]
139 137. CLAMS_CHEM: H2O_CLAMS (Water) [1]
140 138. CLAMS_CHEM: Cl2_CLAMS (Chlorine (molecular)) [1]
141 139. CLAMS_CHEM: Cl_CLAMS (Chlorine (atomic)) [1]
142 140. CLAMS_CHEM: Cl2O2_CLAMS (Dichlorine dioxide) [1]
143 141. CLAMS_CHEM: ClO_CLAMS (Chlorine monoxide) [1]
144 142. CLAMS_CHEM: OClO_CLAMS (Chlorine dioxide) [1]
145 143. CLAMS_CHEM: HOCl_CLAMS (Hypochlorous acid) [1]
146 144. CLAMS_CHEM: HCl_CLAMS (Hydrochloric acid) [1]
147 145. CLAMS_CHEM: ClNO2_CLAMS (Nitryl chloride) [1]
148 146. CLAMS_CHEM: HBr_CLAMS (Hydrobromic acid) [1]
149 147. CLAMS_CHEM: Br_CLAMS (Bromine (atomic)) [1]
150 148. CLAMS_CHEM: BrO_CLAMS (Bromine oxide) [1]
151 149. CLAMS_CHEM: BrCl_CLAMS (Bromine monochloride) [1]
152 150. CLAMS_CHEM: Br2_CLAMS (Bromine (molecular)) [1]
153 151. CLAMS_CHEM: NOy_CLAMS () [1]
154 152. HAGARV_ECD: CFC12 (CFC-12) [ppt]
155 153. HAGARV_ECD: CFC11 (CFC-11) [ppt]
156 154. HAGARV_ECD: CFC113 (CFC-113) [ppt]
157 155. HAGARV_ECD: SF6 (Sulphur Hexafluoride) [ppt]
158 156. HAGARV_ECD: H1211 (H1211) [ppt]
159 157. HAGARV_MS: CH2Cl2 (Dichloromethane) [ppt]
160 158. HAGARV_MS: CH3Cl (Chloromethane) [ppt]
161 159. HAGARV_MS: HFC134a (HFC-134a) [ppt]
162 160. HAGARV_MS: CHCl3 (Trichloromethane) [ppt]
163 161. HAGARV_MS: HFC125 (HFC-125) [ppt]
164 162. HAGARV_MS: CFC11 (CFC-11) [ppt]
165 163. HAGARV_MS: CFC113 (CFC-113) [ppt]
166 164. GLORIA: CFC11 (CFC-11) [ppt]
167 165. GLORIA: CFC11_accuracy (CFC-11 accuracy) [ppt]
168 166. GLORIA: CFC11_precision (CFC-11 precision) [ppt]
169 167. GLORIA: CFC12 (CFC-12) [ppt]
170 168. GLORIA: CFC12_accuracy (CFC-12 accuracy) [ppt]
171 169. GLORIA: CFC12_precision (CFC-12 precision) [ppt]
172 170. GLORIA: CFC114 (CFC-114) [ppt]
173 171. GLORIA: H2O (Water Vapor) [ppm]
174 172. GLORIA: H2O_accuracy (H2O accuracy) [ppm]
175 173. GLORIA: H2O_precision (H2O precision) [ppm]
176 174. GLORIA: HCOOH (HCOOH) [ppt]
177 175. GLORIA: HCOOH_accuracy (HCOOH accuracy) [ppt]
178 176. GLORIA: HCOOH_precision (HCOOH precision) [ppt]
179 177. GLORIA: HNO3 (Nitric acid) [ppb]
180 178. GLORIA: HNO3_accuracy (HNO3 accuracy) [ppb]
181 179. GLORIA: HNO3_precision (HNO3 precision) [ppb]
182 180. GLORIA: N2 (Square of Brunt-Väisälä frequency) [s^-2]
183 181. GLORIA: O3 (Ozone) [ppb]
184 182. GLORIA: O3_accuracy (O3 accuracy) [ppb]
185 183. GLORIA: O3_precision (O3 precision) [ppb]
186 184. GLORIA: aero0 (aero0) [km^-1]
187 185. GLORIA: aero0_accuracy (aero0 accuracy) [km^-1]
188 186. GLORIA: aero0_precision (aero0 precision) [km^-1]
189 187. GLORIA: aero1 (aero1) [km^-1]
190 188. GLORIA: aero1_accuracy (aero1 accuracy) [km^-1]
191 189. GLORIA: aero1_precision (aero1 precision) [km^-1]
192 190. GLORIA: aero2 (aero2) [km^-1]
193 191. GLORIA: aero2_accuracy (aero2 accuracy) [km^-1]
194 192. GLORIA: aero2_precision (aero2 precision) [km^-1]
195 193. GLORIA: lapse_rate (lapse rate) [K km^-1]
196 194. GLORIA: altitude (altitude) [km]

To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.

Dataset Info

Name of dataset

#7350 | SouthTrac_ST23_20191106_MERGED_10s_V1.ames

Date last revised


Time period of the primary data


* inherited from the metadata of the mission SouthTRAC

Data format

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary):

HALOData Source not specified

Ongoing Subset (see glossary):



No license specified.