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Dataset #7475 | EMeRGe-EU-07_20170724…

RSS 2.0 Atom 1.0
uploaded by U Wuppertal
during EMeRGe-EU mission.

Primary data


Information about all releases of the current dataset #7475 and their availability.
Release Upload Date Filesize File
1 2020-10-19 34.4 KiB Download Icon

Further Information

  • Begin of free primary data access: 2024-08-01
  • Number of downloads: 339

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
001 START_TIME_sample start time (s)
002 MEAN_TIME_sample mean time (s)
003 END_TIME_sample end time (s)
004 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__D13C_D13C of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_ (per mill)
005 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_ (per mill)
006 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_ (pptv)
007 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_ (pptv)
008 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_
009 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_
010 _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl__FLAG_FLAG of _1_Pentene_2_4_4_trimethyl_ (1)
011 _2_3_Butanedione_D13C_D13C of _2_3_Butanedione (per mill)
012 _2_3_Butanedione_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of _2_3_Butanedione (per mill)
013 _2_3_Butanedione_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of _2_3_Butanedione (pptv)
014 _2_3_Butanedione_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of _2_3_Butanedione (pptv)
015 _2_3_Butanedione_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of _2_3_Butanedione
016 _2_3_Butanedione_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of _2_3_Butanedione
017 _2_3_Butanedione_FLAG_FLAG of _2_3_Butanedione (1)
018 _2_Butanone_D13C_D13C of _2_Butanone (per mill)
019 _2_Butanone_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of _2_Butanone (per mill)
020 _2_Butanone_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of _2_Butanone (pptv)
021 _2_Butanone_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of _2_Butanone (pptv)
022 _2_Butanone_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of _2_Butanone
023 _2_Butanone_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of _2_Butanone
024 _2_Butanone_FLAG_FLAG of _2_Butanone (1)
025 _2_Pentanone_D13C_D13C of _2_Pentanone (per mill)
026 _2_Pentanone_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of _2_Pentanone (per mill)
027 _2_Pentanone_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of _2_Pentanone (pptv)
028 _2_Pentanone_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of _2_Pentanone (pptv)
029 _2_Pentanone_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of _2_Pentanone
030 _2_Pentanone_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of _2_Pentanone
031 _2_Pentanone_FLAG_FLAG of _2_Pentanone (1)
032 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__D13C_D13C of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_ (per mill)
033 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_ (per mill)
034 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_ (pptv)
035 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_ (pptv)
036 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_
037 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_
038 _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl__FLAG_FLAG of _2_Pentene_2_3_4_trimethyl_ (1)
039 Acetaldehyde_D13C_D13C of Acetaldehyde (per mill)
040 Acetaldehyde_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Acetaldehyde (per mill)
041 Acetaldehyde_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Acetaldehyde (pptv)
042 Acetaldehyde_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Acetaldehyde (pptv)
043 Acetaldehyde_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Acetaldehyde
044 Acetaldehyde_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Acetaldehyde
045 Acetaldehyde_FLAG_FLAG of Acetaldehyde (1)
046 alpha_Methylstyrene_D13C_D13C of alpha_Methylstyrene (per mill)
047 alpha_Methylstyrene_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of alpha_Methylstyrene (per mill)
048 alpha_Methylstyrene_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of alpha_Methylstyrene (pptv)
049 alpha_Methylstyrene_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of alpha_Methylstyrene (pptv)
050 alpha_Methylstyrene_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of alpha_Methylstyrene
051 alpha_Methylstyrene_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of alpha_Methylstyrene
052 alpha_Methylstyrene_FLAG_FLAG of alpha_Methylstyrene (1)
053 Benzene_D13C_D13C of Benzene (per mill)
054 Benzene_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Benzene (per mill)
055 Benzene_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Benzene (pptv)
056 Benzene_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Benzene (pptv)
057 Benzene_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Benzene
058 Benzene_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Benzene
059 Benzene_FLAG_FLAG of Benzene (1)
060 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__D13C_D13C of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_ (per mill)
061 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_ (per mill)
062 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_ (pptv)
063 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_ (pptv)
064 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_
065 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_
066 Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl__FLAG_FLAG of Benzene_1_3_5_trimethyl_ (1)
067 Butanal_D13C_D13C of Butanal (per mill)
068 Butanal_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Butanal (per mill)
069 Butanal_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Butanal (pptv)
070 Butanal_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Butanal (pptv)
071 Butanal_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Butanal
072 Butanal_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Butanal
073 Butanal_FLAG_FLAG of Butanal (1)
074 Formicacid_butylester_D13C_D13C of Formicacid_butylester (per mill)
075 Formicacid_butylester_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Formicacid_butylester (per mill)
076 Formicacid_butylester_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Formicacid_butylester (pptv)
077 Formicacid_butylester_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Formicacid_butylester (pptv)
078 Formicacid_butylester_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Formicacid_butylester
079 Formicacid_butylester_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Formicacid_butylester
080 Formicacid_butylester_FLAG_FLAG of Formicacid_butylester (1)
081 Heptanal_D13C_D13C of Heptanal (per mill)
082 Heptanal_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Heptanal (per mill)
083 Heptanal_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Heptanal (pptv)
084 Heptanal_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Heptanal (pptv)
085 Heptanal_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Heptanal
086 Heptanal_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Heptanal
087 Heptanal_FLAG_FLAG of Heptanal (1)
088 Hexanal_D13C_D13C of Hexanal (per mill)
089 Hexanal_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Hexanal (per mill)
090 Hexanal_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Hexanal (pptv)
091 Hexanal_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Hexanal (pptv)
092 Hexanal_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Hexanal
093 Hexanal_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Hexanal
094 Hexanal_FLAG_FLAG of Hexanal (1)
095 Hexanal_2_ethyl__D13C_D13C of Hexanal_2_ethyl_ (per mill)
096 Hexanal_2_ethyl__D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Hexanal_2_ethyl_ (per mill)
097 Hexanal_2_ethyl__IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Hexanal_2_ethyl_ (pptv)
098 Hexanal_2_ethyl__IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Hexanal_2_ethyl_ (pptv)
099 Hexanal_2_ethyl__MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Hexanal_2_ethyl_
100 Hexanal_2_ethyl__MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Hexanal_2_ethyl_
101 Hexanal_2_ethyl__FLAG_FLAG of Hexanal_2_ethyl_ (1)
102 Pentanal_D13C_D13C of Pentanal (per mill)
103 Pentanal_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Pentanal (per mill)
104 Pentanal_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Pentanal (pptv)
105 Pentanal_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Pentanal (pptv)
106 Pentanal_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Pentanal
107 Pentanal_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Pentanal
108 Pentanal_FLAG_FLAG of Pentanal (1)
109 Toluene_D13C_D13C of Toluene (per mill)
110 Toluene_D13C_ERROR_D13C_ERROR of Toluene (per mill)
111 Toluene_IRMS_CONC_IRMS_CONC of Toluene (pptv)
112 Toluene_IRMS_CONC_ERROR_IRMS_CONC_ERROR of Toluene (pptv)
113 Toluene_MSD_CONC | MSD_CONC of Toluene
114 Toluene_MSD_CONC_ERROR | MSD_CONC_ERROR of Toluene
115 Toluene_FLAG_FLAG of Toluene (1)

To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.

Dataset Info

Name of dataset

#7475 | EMeRGe-EU-07_20170724_v1.nas

Date last revised


Time period of the primary data


* inherited from the metadata of the mission EMeRGe-EU

Data format

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary):


Ongoing Subset (see glossary):



* inherited from the metadata of the mission EMeRGe-EU