Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2021-12-15 | 343.4 KiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 1 year and 3 months*
- Number of downloads: 364
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of CIRRUS-HL to join.
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
01 | Elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on day given by DATE |
02 | Number of measurements per record |
03 | Pressure altitude of GV (km) |
04 | Aircraft pitch (deg) |
05 | Aircraft roll (deg) |
06 | Horizon brightness temperature (ie, OAT, similar to SAT); avg ch1 & ch2 & ch3(K) |
07 | Tropopause #1 (km). |
08 | Tropopause #2 (km). |
09 | Potential temperature of tropopause #1 (K). |
10 | Potential temperature of tropopause #2 (K). |
11 | Latitude (deg) |
12 | Longitude (deg) |
13 | dT/dz (K/km) for 1.0 km layer centered on aircraft flight altitude. |
14 | MRI ... a retrieval quality metric ranges 0-2, <1 is excellent |
15 | Cold point temperature Tcp (K) |
16 | Cold point altitude Zcp (km) |
17 | Remote sensing altitude (meters) |
18 | Retrieved air temperature (K) |
19 | Standard error of retrieved air temperture (K) |
20 | Geometric altitude (meters). |
21 | Molecular air density (number per cubic meter) |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#8222 | CIRRUSHL_F06_20210629b_MTP_v1.ames
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission CIRRUS-HL
No license specified.