Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2023-11-21 | 1130.7 KiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 1 year and 1 month*
- Number of downloads: 1
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of ECLIF3 to join.
Entries (modelled variables)
No. | Name |
01 | UTC (seconds after midnight on flight date) |
02 | CMET_LAT Falcon GPS WGS84 latitude (deg) |
03 | CMET_LON Falcon GPS WGS84 longitude (deg) |
04 | CMET_ALT Falcon GPS WGS84 altitude (m) |
05 | CMET_PS Falcon static air pressure (hPa) |
06 | CMET_TS Falcon static air temperature (K) |
07 | CMET_TAS Falcon true air speed (m s^-1) |
08 | CO2_ppm_Licor volume mixing ratio of carbon dioxide in air, Licor-7000 (ppm) |
09 | NOy_ppb_high volume mixing ratio of total reactive nitrogen in air (ppb) |
10 | NOy_ppb_low volume mixing ratio of total reactive nitrogen in air (ppb) |
11 | NOy_flag reactive nitrogen data flag |
12 | H2O_mr_ppm H2O mixing ratio (ppmv) |
13 | RHi Relative humidity with respect to ice (%) |
14 | nvPM_amb particle number concentration per cm3 ambient (p and T from cmet data system) |
15 | dnvPM_amb total relative uncertainty on nvPM_amb |
16 | nvPM_stp particle number concentration per cm3 stp corrected (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) |
17 | dnvPM_stp total relative uncertainty on nvPM_stp |
18 | N_CAS total ice number concentration CAS (m^-3) |
19 | MVD_CAS ice median volume diameter CAS (m) |
20 | IWC_CAS ice water content CAS (kg m^-3) |
21 | ED_CAS ice effective diameter CAS (m) |
22 | N_CAS_10_um total ice number concentration < 10 micrometer CAS (m^-3) |
23 | MVD_CAS_10_um ice median volume diameter < 10 micrometer CAS (m) |
24 | IWC_CAS_10_um ice water content < 10 micrometer CAS (kg m^-3) |
25 | ED_CAS_10_um ice effective diameter < 10 micrometer CAS (m) |
26 | N_CAPS total ice number concentration CAPS (m^-3) |
27 | MVD_CAPS ice median volume diameter CAPS (m) |
28 | IWC_CAPS ice water content CAPS (kg m^-3) |
29 | ED_CAPS ice effective diameter CAPS (m) |
30 | N_CAPS_10_um total ice number concentration < 10 micrometer CAPS (m^-3) |
31 | MVD_CAPS_10_um ice median volume diameter < 10 micrometer CAPS (m) |
32 | IWC_CAPS_10_um ice water content < 10 micrometer CAPS (kg m^-3) |
33 | ED_CAPS_10_um ice effective diameter < 10 micrometer CAPS (m) |
34 | Plume_age calculated contrail age (s) |
To browse for the dependencies of the modelled variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#9661 | ECLIF3_F04_20210416a_merge_file_far_field_v1.ames
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission ECLIF3
No license specified.