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Dataset #9734 | stratoclim2017.geophy…

RSS 2.0 Atom 1.0
uploaded by FZJ
during STRATOCLIM mission.

Primary data


Information about all releases of the current dataset #9734 and their availability.
Release Upload Date Filesize File
1 2023-12-05 11.5 MiB No Download

Further Information

  • Begin of free primary data access: in 75 years and 2 months*
  • Number of downloads: 2

*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of STRATOCLIM to join.

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
A virtual entry: time [unspecified unit] given by 15898 constant values
001 water vapour mixing ratio (ppmv)
002 Monsoon centered equivalent latitutde (deg N)
003 OCS (ppt)
004 OCS INT_ERR (ppt)
005 CO (ppb)
006 CO INT_ERR (ppb)
007 H2O (ppm)
008 H2O INT_ERR (ppm)
009 Pst* (hPa)
010 H* (m)
011 Vtrue* (km/h)
012 Tcalc (K)
013 Uwind* (m/s)
014 W_dir* (deg)
015 Q* (K)
016 TotalConc - Number concentration [cm^-3] (cm^-3)
017 DpMeanN - Averaged particle diameter [um] (um)
018 Xi - Sample volume correction factor Xi (UNKNOWN)
019 TotalConc - number concentration[cm^-3] (cm^-3)
020 DpMeanN - averaged particle diameter[um] (um)
021 Xi - Sample voluem correction factor (UNKNOWN)
022 Latitude (DEGREE)
023 Longitude (DEGREE)
024 Hybrid potential temperature (K)
025 E30 tracer with 30 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
026 E90 tracer with 90 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
027 E180 tracer with 180 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
028 E360 tracer with 360 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
029 E720 tracer with 720 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
030 E1080 tracer with 1080 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
031 Mean age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year)
032 Modal age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year)
033 Age spectrum width (10 yr) (year)
034 Deacay timescale of age spectrum tail (10 yr) (year)
035 Tail-corrected mean age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year)
036 Tail-corrected age spectrum width (10 yr) (year)
037 Norm from age-spectrum (10 yr) (XX)
038 Tail-corrected norm from age-spectrum (10 yr) (XX)
039 Mass fraction younger than 1 month from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
040 Mass fraction younger than 3 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
041 Mass fraction younger than 6 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
042 Mass fraction older than 12 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
043 Mass fraction older than 24 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
044 Mass fraction older than 48 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
045 Pstat (hPa)
046 pot. temperature (K)
047 Pstat (hPa)
048 Lat [degree]
049 Long [degree]
050 Alt (m)
051 pot. temperature (K)
052 Tout (K)
053 Brunt-Vaisala frequency (s**-2)
054 Geopotential Height (m**2 s**-2)
055 Pressure of tropopause (hPa)
056 Hybrid Theta at tropopause (K)
057 Theta at tropopause (K)
058 Temperature of tropopause (K)
059 Hybrid Potential Temperature (K)
060 PV (10^(-6)*K*m^2/(kg*s))
061 Equivalent Latitudes (deg N)
062 Latitude transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) [degree]
063 Longitude transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) [degree]
064 Potential temperature transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) (K)
065 Hybrid Potential temperature transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) (K)
066 Equivalent Latitudes - Asian monsoon cen (deg N)
067 Potential temperature distance from 2 PVU/380 K surface (K)
068 NO;NO volume mixing ratio (nmol/mol)
069 NOy; NOy volume mixing ratio (nmol/mol)
070 Tout (K)
071 Pstat (hPa)
072 Vtrue (m/s)
073 Halt (meter)
074 Dr_ang [degree]
075 Head [degree]
076 Pitch [degree]
077 Attack [degree]
078 Sl_ang [degree]
079 Uwind (m/s)
080 W_dir [degree]
081 Roll [degree]
082 Lat [degree]
083 Long [degree]
084 Gr_sp (km/h)
085 Tr_ang [degree]
086 Alt (m)
087 pot. temperature (K)
088 Lat [degree]
089 Long [degree]
090 Latitude transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) [degree]
091 Longitude transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) [degree]
092 Potential temperature transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) (K)
093 Hybrid Potential temperature transformed to 02.08.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) (K)
094 Pressure (hPa)
095 pot. temperature (K)
096 Hybrid Potential Temperature (K)
097 Tropical Troposphere (Air mass origin)
098 Lower TTL (Air mass origin)
099 Upper TTL (Air mass origin)
100 Tropical Pipe (Air mass origin)
101 Mid-Lat Troposphere (Air mass origin)
102 Mid-Lat Lowermost Stratosphere (Air mass origin)
103 Polar Troposphere (Air mass origin)
104 Polar Lowermost Stratosphere (Air mass origin)
105 Stratosphere (Air mass origin)
106 North Africa (Emisssion Tracers)
107 South Africa (Emisssion Tracers)
108 Madagskar (Emisssion Tracers)
109 North India (Emisssion Tracers)
110 South India (Emisssion Tracers)
111 SE Asia (Emisssion Tracers)
112 East China (Emisssion Tracers)
113 Australia (Emisssion Tracers)
114 South America (Emisssion Tracers)
115 North America (Emisssion Tracers)
116 Mediterranean (Emisssion Tracers)
117 Europe (Emisssion Tracers)
118 Siberia (Emisssion Tracers)
119 All Surface (Emisssion Tracers)
120 Tropical Pacific Ocean 1 (Emisssion Tracers)
121 Tropical Pacific Ocean 2 (Emisssion Tracers)
122 Tropical Pacific Ocean 3 (Emisssion Tracers)
123 Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1 (Emisssion Tracers)
124 Tropical Atlantic Ocean 2 (Emisssion Tracers)
125 Tropical Atlantic Ocean 3 (Emisssion Tracers)
126 Tropical Indian Ocean 1 (Emisssion Tracers)
127 Tropical Indian Ocean 2 (Emisssion Tracers)
128 Tropical Indian Ocean 3 (Emisssion Tracers)
129 North-West Pacific (Emisssion Tracers)
130 Ozone mixing ratio (ppbv)
131 temperture (K)
132 pressure (hPa)
133 Probe air speed (m/s)
134 True air speed from aircraft (m/s)
135 Cloud water content (ppmv) (ppmv)
136 TOTAL PARTICLE CONCS: DIAMS 3 to 937um (cm^-3)
137 TOTAL PARTICLE CONCS: DIAMS 0.6 to 3um (cm^-3)
138 Mass Mean Radius (micrometer)
139 Cloud Index: inside cloud = 1, outside cloud = 0 (only good quality data are used)
140 N - Total particle Concentration (cm^-3)
141 organics | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
142 organics_cc | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | corrected to stratospheric background of CO2 | | | | (UNKNOWN)
143 nitrate | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
144 sulphate | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
145 ammonium | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
146 GPS_Alt | | m | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
147 Theta | potential temperature | K | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
148 cloudmask | | binary | | | | | (UNKNOWN)
149 Tout (K)
150 Psts (hPa)
151 Halt (m)
152 Lat [degree]
153 Long [degree]
154 Alt (m)
155 Tpot (K)
156 qf () (UNKNOWN)
157 br () (UNKNOWN)
158 dep (%)
159 baer (km-1sr-1)
160 depaer (%)
161 CO mixing ratio (ppb)
162 N2O mixing ratio (ppb)
166 Halon 1211 MIXING RATIO (PPT)
168 CO2 mixing ratio (PPM)
169 CO2 estimated precision (PPM)
170 FLASH:H2O (ppmv)
171 Particle number concentration, dp > 10 nm, n10 non volatile, in (cm^-3)
172 Particle number concentration, dp > 10 nm, n10, in (cm^-3)
173 Particle number concentration, dp > 15 nm, n15, in (cm^-3)
174 Particle number concentration, dp > 6 nm, n6, in (cm^-3)
175 H2O (ppmv)
176 FLAG (boolean)
177 TDC:TEMP (K)
179 H2O_sat_ice: TDC:TEMP, AVIONIK:PRESS (ppmv)
180 Mixing ratio OF gas + condensed phase , max. Enhancement (ppmv)
181 Mixing ratio OF condensed phase , max. Enhancement (ppmv)
182 Relative Humidity with respect to ice , max. Enhancement (%)
183 Relative Humidity with respect to water , max. Enhancement (%)
184 Enhancement factor for FISH Inlet , max. Enhancement [None]
185 FISH-Error: FISH:H2O_tot * 0.0700000 + 0.300000 (ppmv)

To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.

Dataset Info

Name of dataset

#9734 |

Date last revised


Time period of the primary data


* inherited from the metadata of the mission STRATOCLIM

Data format

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary):

HALOData Source not specified

Ongoing Subset (see glossary):



No license specified.