Primary data
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1 | 2024-03-01 | 74.8 KiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 74 years and 9 months*
- Number of downloads: 1
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of CAFE-EU to join.
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
1 | SecOfDay; Elapsed time in seconds since 0 hours UTC of the first date given in line 7; [s] |
2 | PAN Peroxyacetyl nitrate, CH3C(O)OONO2; volume mixing ratio; [ppt] |
3 | PAN Standard deviation over averaging interval |
4 | PAA Peroxyacetic acid, CH3C(O)OOH; volume mixing ratio; [ppt] |
5 | PAA Standard deviation over averaging interval |
6 | PPN Peroxypropionic nitrate, C2H5C(O)OONO2; volume mixing ratio; [ppt] |
7 | PPN Standard deviation over averaging interval |
8 | PPA Peroxypropionic acid, C2H5C(O)OOH; volume mixing ratio; [ppt] |
9 | PPA Standard deviation over averaging interval |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#9814 | FL06 04.06.2020 PAN-PAA-PPN-PPA 1minAv Ames.dat
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission CAFE-EU
Data Origin
Genesis of the data (see glossary):
HALO › Data Source not specified
Ongoing Subset (see glossary):
No license specified.