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Dependencies in Dataset #7867

uploaded by Daniel Sauer, DLR
during A-LIFE mission

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 UTSECONDS: seconds after 00Z of the day of first measurement, counting continuously thereafter
02 UTS: UTC time stamp
03 gps_lon: GPS Latitude [degree (+-90)] (from Falcon data system)
04 gps_lat: GPS Longitude [degree (+-180)] (from Falcon data system)
05 gps_alt: Height above sea level (from GPS) [m] (from Falcon data system)
06 hp: Pressure altitude [m] (from Falcon data system)
07 ps: Static pressure (from NB_PSIA) [hPa] (from Falcon data system)
08 ts: Static air temperature (from BDY-TTQ) [K] (from Falcon data system)
09 theta Potential temperature [K] (from Falcon data system)
10 td: Dew point temperature [K] (from Falcon data system)
11 tas Calculated true airspeed [m/s] (from Falcon data system)
12 relhum: Relative humidity with respect to water [%] (from Falcon data system)
13 N10CCNC_stp: N10CCNC - stp particle number concentration per cm3 (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3]
14 N10_stp: N10 - stp particle number concentration per cm3 (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3]
15 N10TD_stp: N10TD - stp particle number concentration per cm3 (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3]
16 NDS1TD_stp: NDS1TD - stp particle number concentration per cm3 (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3]
17 N5_stp: N5 - stp particle number concentration per cm3 (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3]
18 N10CCNC_amb: N10CCNC - ambient particle number concentration per cm3 corrected for coincidence [1/cm3]
19 N10_amb: N10 - ambient particle number concentration per cm3 corrected for coincidence [1/cm3]
20 N10TD_amb: N10TD - ambient particle number concentration per cm3 corrected for coincidence [1/cm3]
21 NDS1TD_amb: NDS1TD - ambient particle number concentration per cm3 corrected for coincidence [1/cm3]
22 N5_amb: N5 - ambient particle number concentration per cm3 corrected for coincidence [1/cm3]
23 N10CCNC_raw: N10CCNC - uncorrected particle number concentration per cm3 [1/cm3]
24 N10_raw: N10 - uncorrected particle number concentration per cm3 [1/cm3]
25 N10TD_raw: N10TD - uncorrected particle number concentration per cm3 [1/cm3]
26 NDS1TD_raw: NDS1TD - uncorrected particle number concentration per cm3 [1/cm3]
27 N5_raw: N5 - uncorrected particle number concentration per cm3 [1/cm3]
28 N10CCNC_over: N10CCNC - marker for saturated counter - raw counts above 20000/cm3 data are not reliable [0/1]
29 N10_over: N10 - marker for saturated counter - raw counts above 20000/cm3 data are not reliable [0/1]
30 N10TD_over: N10TD - marker for saturated counter - raw counts above 20000/cm3 data are not reliable [0/1]
31 NDS1TD_over: NDS1TD - marker for saturated counter - raw counts above 20000/cm3 data are not reliable [0/1]
32 N5_over: N5 - marker for saturated counter - raw counts above 20000/cm3 data are not reliable [0/1]
33 N10CCNC_fcoinc: N10CCNC - coincidence correction factor applied to the number concentrations []
34 N10_fcoinc: N10 - coincidence correction factor applied to the number concentrations []
35 N10TD_fcoinc: N10TD - coincidence correction factor applied to the number concentrations []
36 NDS1TD_fcoinc: NDS1TD - coincidence correction factor applied to the number concentrations []
37 N5_fcoinc: N5 - coincidence correction factor applied to the number concentrations []
38 pinlet: pressure at CPC inlet [hPa]
39 p_CCNC: pressure inside the CCNC manifold set by the CPI [hPa]
40 N10CCNC_inlet: inlet flag for N10CCNC [0:undefined, 1:CCNC-line, 2:direct (ambient) line]
41 pvac2: pressure downstream of OPC/PSAP[hPa]
42 pvac1: pressure downstream of CPCs [hPa]
43 tsat1: saturator temperature N10TD(CPSA1) [K]
44 tcond1: condensor temperature N10TD(CPSA1) [K]
45 tsat2: saturator temperature NDS1TD(CPSA2) [K]
46 tcond2: condensor temperature NDS1TD(CPSA2) [K]
47 tsat3: saturator temperature N5(CPSA3) [K]
48 tcond3: condensor temperature N5(CPSA3) [K]
49 cloud: marker for cloud encounter - data inside clouds may be affected by inlet artifacts [1: in cloud, 0: outside cloud]

Dependencies of the observed variables

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Direction of relationships

Entry A   Entry B
(=depends on)


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