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Dependencies in Dataset #9184

uploaded by Andreas Marsing, DLR
during POLSTRACC mission

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
A virtual entry: nt given by 32803 constant values
B virtual entry: nz given by 60 constant values
01 Time (s)
02 IGI_ALT (m)
03 IGI_LAT [degree]
04 IGI_LON [degree]
05 terrain_height (m)
06 model_level_height (m)
07 air_​density [unspecified unit]
08 ozone_mass_mixing_ratio (kg/kg)
09 GEMS_ozone (kg/kg)
10 nitrogen_dioxide (kg/kg)
11 nitrogen_monoxide (kg/kg)
12 methane_chemistry (kg/kg)
13 specific_cloud_liquid_water_content (kg/kg)
14 specific_cloud_ice_water_content (kg/kg)
15 pressure (Pa)
16 temperature (K)
17 potential_temperature (K)
18 specific_​humidity [unspecified unit]

Dependencies of the observed variables

The interactive table provides a visualization of the dependencies of this dataset's entries (variables) which will hopefully assist you to understand the datasets structure.

Most datasets are simple, e.g. like 10 entries depending on 1 entry. But there are other datasets which are far more complex; with relationships between various entries and even reversed dependencies.

Warning: It works only with JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Direction of relationships

Entry A   Entry B
(=depends on)


Enable Javascript and you'll see the dependencies of this dataset explained in this box while hovering over the table on the left.