63 1001 Timo Keber, Tanja Schuck, Andreas Engel Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhoeferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany HALO | GhOST-MS | mixing ratios of long-lived and very short-lived tracers measured with an in-situ GC-MS instrument WISE 1 1 2017 09 20 2018 03 14 0 Mean sample time in UT seconds past midnight of flight date 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 H1301 [ppt] H1211 [ppt] H2402 [ppt] H1202 [ppt] CH3Br [ppt] CH2Br2 [ppt] CHBr3 [ppt] CH2BrCl [ppt] CHBrCl2 [ppt] CHBr2Cl [ppt] 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISE flight 04 on 20.09.2017 PRELIMINARY DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please inform the authors about the use of the data Before publication, the authors of the data have to give their consent Please adhere in all cases to the WISE data protocol Contact: Andreas Engel (an.engel@iau.uni-frankfurt.de, phone +49 69 798 40259) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calibration Scale, Precision, Accuracy and Detection Limit are given separately for each dependent variable Primary calibration reference flasks: "TO-Mutter" (UEA scales), "AGAGE H-218" (all other scales) Calibration Scales SIO-05 SIO-05 SIO-14 UEA-09 SIO-05 NOAA-Jul10-p NOAA-Dec09-p SIO-10-p UEA-11 UEA-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CH3Br derived from H1211 using correlation based on balloon measurements in 2009 and 2011. CH2Br2 and CHBr2Cl derived using correlation from HALO PGS campaign 2015/2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrument precision in [%] 0.99 0.49 1.49 7.58 4.22 0.67 2.21 9.16 3.43 2.22 Instrument precision in [ppt] 0.039 0.046 0.005 0.001 0.333 0.012 0.015 0.025 0.002 0.004 Use whatever precision is larger for each data point ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accuracy of mixing ratios in calibration gas in [%] 0.6 0.3 0.8 25.0 NaN 4.9 17.3 5.8 20.6 6.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detection limit (S/N 3/1) in [ppt] per 100 mL air at STP 0.050 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.646 0.011 0.086 0.130 0.002 0.002 Values below detection limit are marked as 0.00 In case no measurements are available, the missing data value is used ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample integration time: 54 +- 1 seconds Values of t_sample are the mean of the sampling time interval ("integration time") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correction of analyte carry-over (memory effect): all substances Detector non-linearity: below measurement precision for all substances, no correction applied ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 UTC H1301 H1211 H2402 H1202 CH3Br CH2Br2 CHBr3 CH2BrCl CHBrCl2 CHBr2Cl [s] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] 25869 3.350 3.475 0.387 0.016 8.429 1.832 3.475 99999 0.345 0.504 26119 3.315 3.474 0.403 99999 8.427 1.820 4.625 0.380 0.343 0.569 26368 3.358 3.457 0.400 0.015 8.387 2.002 5.022 99999 0.377 0.743 26617 3.363 3.432 0.389 0.016 8.328 0.794 0.913 99999 0.149 0.132 26866 3.460 3.486 0.376 0.014 8.455 0.787 0.727 0.275 0.147 0.132 27115 3.355 3.434 0.377 0.015 8.333 0.756 0.638 99999 0.142 0.130 27364 3.345 3.445 0.393 0.014 8.359 0.771 0.647 99999 0.144 0.118 27866 3.396 3.383 0.391 0.013 8.215 0.812 0.376 99999 0.152 0.100 28114 3.418 3.426 0.396 0.013 8.316 0.790 0.450 99999 0.148 0.111 28361 3.332 3.444 0.408 99999 8.357 0.741 0.324 99999 0.139 0.091 28609 3.361 3.452 0.368 0.013 8.375 0.747 0.358 99999 0.140 0.109 28857 3.435 3.479 0.390 0.015 8.438 0.770 0.332 99999 0.144 0.093 29105 3.468 3.411 0.382 0.011 8.281 0.727 0.299 0.212 0.136 0.096 29353 3.437 3.404 0.389 0.011 8.265 0.708 0.329 99999 0.133 0.103 29601 3.431 3.426 0.391 0.015 8.316 0.741 0.333 99999 0.139 0.096 29849 3.374 3.431 0.385 0.019 8.327 0.765 0.325 0.215 0.143 0.117 30349 3.385 3.470 0.393 0.012 8.418 0.767 0.319 0.246 0.144 0.096 30597 3.385 3.442 0.383 0.017 8.353 0.832 0.363 99999 0.156 0.109 30847 3.391 3.381 0.394 0.015 8.212 0.698 0.287 99999 0.131 0.077 31095 3.354 3.417 0.379 0.016 8.295 0.738 0.294 99999 0.138 0.092 31342 3.290 3.407 0.382 0.013 8.272 0.715 0.330 0.239 0.134 0.085 31590 3.295 3.384 0.393 0.013 8.219 0.698 0.339 0.235 0.131 0.095 31838 3.278 3.370 0.397 0.013 8.187 0.694 0.330 99999 0.130 0.085 32085 3.253 3.413 0.403 0.012 8.286 0.686 0.326 0.222 0.128 0.071 32333 3.211 3.321 0.391 0.014 8.074 0.654 0.248 0.205 0.122 0.077 32833 3.225 3.294 0.391 0.014 8.013 0.640 0.217 0.165 0.120 0.074 33081 3.217 3.184 0.366 0.013 7.764 0.560 0.143 0.204 0.105 0.054 33328 3.162 3.150 0.362 0.012 7.688 0.485 0.000 0.232 0.090 0.048 33575 3.269 3.235 0.365 99999 7.879 0.566 0.115 99999 0.106 0.059 34074 3.193 3.048 0.353 0.013 7.462 0.601 0.323 99999 0.112 0.136 34324 3.126 3.052 0.361 0.008 7.470 0.512 0.194 0.293 0.095 0.079 34575 3.204 3.153 0.367 0.011 7.695 0.584 0.227 99999 0.109 0.088 34825 3.346 3.210 0.384 0.016 7.821 0.597 0.252 99999 0.112 0.095 35328 3.306 3.276 0.381 0.017 7.971 0.646 0.303 99999 0.121 0.135 35578 3.349 3.313 0.376 0.011 8.055 0.675 0.287 0.262 0.126 0.126 35828 3.383 3.432 0.401 0.012 8.329 0.722 0.389 0.210 0.135 0.145 36078 3.335 3.325 0.388 0.012 8.083 0.663 0.312 0.178 0.124 0.139 36329 3.303 3.280 0.384 0.013 7.980 0.656 0.356 99999 0.123 0.132 36579 3.347 3.367 0.384 0.013 8.178 0.745 0.429 0.288 0.140 0.149 36829 3.425 3.362 0.378 0.011 8.168 0.708 0.338 0.230 0.132 0.120 37078 3.335 3.315 0.377 0.010 8.061 0.679 0.301 0.210 0.127 0.098 37327 3.260 3.373 0.385 0.012 8.193 0.739 0.413 0.273 0.138 0.142 37827 3.323 3.446 0.381 0.012 8.362 0.778 0.454 99999 0.146 0.150 38076 3.296 3.363 0.397 0.011 8.170 0.736 0.381 0.184 0.138 0.144 38326 3.344 3.440 0.385 0.015 8.347 0.789 0.435 0.304 0.148 0.137 38576 3.327 3.438 0.394 0.012 8.342 0.794 0.432 99999 0.149 0.147 38826 3.378 3.419 0.397 0.011 8.299 0.783 0.437 0.315 0.147 0.142 39076 3.417 3.436 0.402 0.015 8.337 0.774 0.438 0.303 0.145 0.136 39325 3.379 3.454 0.395 0.012 8.379 0.759 0.370 0.285 0.142 0.120 39575 3.388 3.445 0.402 0.015 8.359 0.778 0.404 99999 0.146 0.109 39825 3.383 3.441 0.402 0.018 8.350 0.761 0.367 99999 0.143 0.100 40326 3.376 3.451 0.400 0.017 8.374 0.774 0.349 0.242 0.145 0.104 40576 3.448 3.446 0.412 0.014 8.362 0.783 0.373 99999 0.147 0.119 40826 3.358 3.410 0.400 0.016 8.279 0.722 0.247 0.211 0.135 0.085 41076 3.353 3.362 0.404 0.015 8.168 0.707 0.224 0.207 0.132 0.072 41326 3.224 3.207 0.377 0.019 7.816 0.555 0.116 0.165 0.104 0.065 41575 3.189 3.088 0.363 0.014 7.550 0.510 0.084 0.154 0.095 0.051 41825 3.238 3.115 0.359 0.012 7.610 0.520 0.121 99999 0.097 0.063 42075 3.240 3.115 0.364 0.012 7.611 0.505 0.098 0.192 0.094 0.045 42323 3.167 3.056 0.346 0.013 7.480 0.516 0.123 0.142 0.096 0.058 42825 3.142 3.090 0.354 0.012 7.555 0.537 0.109 0.171 0.100 0.059 43074 3.171 3.143 0.369 0.012 7.671 0.547 0.137 99999 0.102 0.061 43322 3.235 3.221 0.370 0.012 7.847 0.580 0.136 0.150 0.108 0.056 43571 3.266 3.319 0.375 0.014 8.070 0.620 0.185 99999 0.116 0.076 43820 3.254 3.320 0.369 0.014 8.072 0.599 0.143 99999 0.112 0.090 44070 3.314 3.256 0.367 0.015 7.927 0.582 0.168 0.207 0.109 0.079 44319 3.360 3.313 0.386 0.013 8.055 0.611 0.204 99999 0.114 0.081 44568 3.317 3.281 0.370 0.013 7.983 0.593 0.178 99999 0.111 0.086 44816 3.352 3.288 0.377 0.010 7.999 0.584 0.161 0.202 0.109 0.076 45317 3.339 3.315 0.360 0.012 8.061 0.602 0.155 0.209 0.113 0.078 45565 3.313 3.242 0.368 0.013 7.895 0.605 0.195 99999 0.113 0.085 45814 3.363 3.293 0.371 0.014 8.009 0.622 0.206 0.203 0.116 0.098 46063 3.265 3.219 0.372 0.010 7.843 0.558 0.183 99999 0.104 0.075 46313 3.256 3.187 0.354 0.014 7.771 0.526 0.166 0.210 0.098 0.072 46563 3.313 3.312 0.378 0.013 8.052 0.638 0.204 0.180 0.119 0.078 46812 3.205 3.120 0.357 0.012 7.621 0.496 0.153 0.151 0.092 0.067 47061 3.198 3.162 0.356 0.013 7.715 0.512 0.161 99999 0.095 0.073 47310 3.339 3.301 0.370 0.012 8.028 0.631 0.204 99999 0.118 0.086 47811 3.322 3.311 0.378 0.011 8.052 0.653 0.251 0.183 0.122 0.104 48060 3.403 3.339 0.393 0.013 8.115 0.670 0.256 0.195 0.125 0.091 48309 3.246 3.321 0.374 0.015 8.073 0.672 0.250 0.209 0.126 0.091 48558 3.360 3.286 0.389 0.012 7.994 0.654 0.236 99999 0.122 0.080 48807 3.300 3.324 0.385 0.012 8.081 0.667 0.224 0.211 0.125 0.095 49056 3.336 3.348 0.384 0.015 8.135 0.676 0.266 0.153 0.126 0.098 49306 3.223 3.274 0.389 0.012 7.966 0.637 0.227 0.198 0.119 0.092 49555 3.280 3.254 0.385 0.015 7.922 0.620 0.190 0.142 0.116 0.094 49804 3.226 3.219 0.376 0.019 7.842 0.605 0.219 0.176 0.113 0.105 50305 3.263 3.227 0.391 0.015 7.861 0.623 0.149 0.175 0.117 0.083 50554 3.277 3.197 0.374 0.010 7.793 0.584 0.151 99999 0.109 0.062 50803 3.217 3.077 0.357 0.013 7.525 0.478 0.000 99999 0.089 0.058 51052 3.203 3.098 0.366 0.012 7.572 0.508 0.093 0.173 0.095 0.054 51301 3.146 3.095 0.364 0.016 7.565 0.502 0.095 0.192 0.094 0.061 51550 3.239 3.175 0.367 0.012 7.744 0.517 0.109 99999 0.096 0.061 51798 3.286 3.174 0.367 0.015 7.742 0.517 0.120 99999 0.096 0.055 52047 3.241 3.111 0.369 0.012 7.602 0.508 0.095 99999 0.095 0.049 52296 3.280 3.095 0.348 0.012 7.566 0.513 0.115 0.224 0.096 0.062 52796 3.191 3.033 0.357 0.012 7.428 0.461 0.120 99999 0.086 0.059 53045 3.230 3.127 0.358 0.010 7.636 0.472 0.129 99999 0.088 0.067 53295 3.222 3.089 0.347 0.014 7.553 0.471 0.105 0.148 0.088 0.062 53543 3.242 3.093 0.357 0.012 7.560 0.488 0.129 99999 0.091 0.070 53791 3.126 3.038 0.359 0.013 7.441 0.466 0.000 99999 0.087 0.056 54040 3.128 3.122 0.361 0.016 7.626 0.499 0.000 0.169 0.093 0.052 54290 3.155 3.105 0.372 0.017 7.587 0.482 0.098 0.164 0.090 0.046 54539 3.155 3.056 0.355 0.013 7.479 0.456 0.093 99999 0.085 0.051 54788 3.025 2.883 0.343 0.013 7.103 0.382 0.000 99999 0.071 0.041 55289 3.111 3.026 0.354 0.012 7.414 0.417 0.075 99999 0.078 0.051 55538 3.086 2.956 0.358 0.014 7.261 0.397 0.000 0.188 0.074 0.041 55787 3.094 2.989 0.349 0.014 7.333 0.402 0.090 0.164 0.075 0.050 56036 3.141 3.019 0.353 0.013 7.398 0.423 0.090 99999 0.079 0.058 56284 3.151 2.967 0.345 0.013 7.285 0.413 0.096 99999 0.077 0.048 56533 3.120 2.975 0.351 0.012 7.302 0.395 0.000 0.186 0.073 0.033 56782 3.120 3.114 0.363 0.013 7.608 0.468 0.090 99999 0.087 0.042 57031 3.291 3.235 0.368 0.015 7.877 0.513 0.091 99999 0.096 0.049 57280 3.310 3.303 0.376 0.017 8.032 0.549 0.108 99999 0.103 0.055 57779 3.271 3.259 0.381 0.011 7.932 0.574 0.099 0.192 0.107 0.050 58028 3.284 3.288 0.375 0.016 7.998 0.559 0.110 99999 0.104 0.055 58277 3.454 3.361 0.393 0.017 8.164 0.646 0.161 0.191 0.121 0.075 58527 3.377 3.447 0.409 0.014 8.365 0.735 0.495 0.180 0.138 0.104 58777 3.325 3.400 0.402 0.015 8.255 0.779 0.725 0.203 0.146 0.152 59027 3.383 3.369 0.399 0.020 8.183 0.723 0.519 0.178 0.135 0.111 59276 3.331 3.419 0.405 0.010 8.299 0.770 0.536 99999 0.144 0.119 59527 3.380 3.410 0.392 0.015 8.279 0.692 0.395 99999 0.130 0.107 59777 3.352 3.365 0.390 0.017 8.174 0.826 0.765 99999 0.155 0.130 60282 3.340 3.429 0.398 0.017 8.321 0.777 0.504 99999 0.146 0.126 60532 3.322 3.404 0.390 0.017 8.264 1.409 2.676 0.308 0.265 0.277 60784 3.338 3.411 0.391 0.022 8.281 1.270 2.863 99999 0.239 0.236 61036 3.326 3.425 0.405 0.024 8.313 1.625 4.236 0.246 0.306 0.355