63 1001 Timo Keber, Tanja Schuck, Andreas Engel Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhoeferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany HALO | GhOST-MS | mixing ratios of long-lived and very short-lived tracers measured with an in-situ GC-MS instrument WISE 1 1 2017 09 23 2018 03 14 0 Mean sample time in UT seconds past midnight of flight date 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 H1301 [ppt] H1211 [ppt] H2402 [ppt] H1202 [ppt] CH3Br [ppt] CH2Br2 [ppt] CHBr3 [ppt] CH2BrCl [ppt] CHBrCl2 [ppt] CHBr2Cl [ppt] 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISE flight 05 on 23.09.2017 PRELIMINARY DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please inform the authors about the use of the data Before publication, the authors of the data have to give their consent Please adhere in all cases to the WISE data protocol Contact: Andreas Engel (an.engel@iau.uni-frankfurt.de, phone +49 69 798 40259) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calibration Scale, Precision, Accuracy and Detection Limit are given separately for each dependent variable Primary calibration reference flasks: "TO-Mutter" (UEA scales), "AGAGE H-218" (all other scales) Calibration Scales SIO-05 SIO-05 SIO-14 UEA-09 SIO-05 NOAA-Jul10-p NOAA-Dec09-p SIO-10-p UEA-11 UEA-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CH3Br derived from H1211 using correlation based on balloon measurements in 2009 and 2011. CH2Br2 and CHBr2Cl derived using correlation from HALO PGS campaign 2015/2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrument precision in [%] 0.99 0.49 1.49 7.58 4.22 0.67 2.21 9.16 3.43 2.22 Instrument precision in [ppt] 0.039 0.046 0.005 0.001 0.333 0.012 0.015 0.025 0.002 0.004 Use whatever precision is larger for each data point ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accuracy of mixing ratios in calibration gas in [%] 0.6 0.3 0.8 25.0 NaN 4.9 17.3 5.8 20.6 6.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detection limit (S/N 3/1) in [ppt] per 100 mL air at STP 0.050 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.646 0.011 0.086 0.130 0.002 0.002 Values below detection limit are marked as 0.00 In case no measurements are available, the missing data value is used ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample integration time: 54 +- 1 seconds Values of t_sample are the mean of the sampling time interval ("integration time") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correction of analyte carry-over (memory effect): all substances Detector non-linearity: below measurement precision for all substances, no correction applied ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 UTC H1301 H1211 H2402 H1202 CH3Br CH2Br2 CHBr3 CH2BrCl CHBrCl2 CHBr2Cl [s] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] 29167 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 29398 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 29627 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 29875 3.374 3.371 0.381 0.014 8.187 0.677 0.313 99999 0.127 0.092 30140 3.298 3.369 0.378 0.014 8.183 0.712 0.416 0.220 0.133 0.110 30405 3.445 3.414 0.382 0.015 8.288 0.747 0.464 99999 0.140 0.120 30943 3.349 3.460 0.375 0.015 8.393 0.802 0.625 99999 0.150 0.126 31217 3.388 3.451 0.386 0.018 8.374 0.777 0.568 0.254 0.146 0.122 31491 3.389 3.473 0.391 0.016 8.423 0.808 0.594 0.297 0.151 0.123 31760 3.414 3.556 0.403 0.016 8.618 0.817 0.597 99999 0.153 0.164 32027 3.495 3.574 0.398 0.017 8.660 0.799 0.574 99999 0.150 0.158 32293 3.422 3.517 0.392 0.016 8.527 0.808 0.619 99999 0.151 0.139 32558 3.424 3.531 0.401 0.018 8.559 0.786 0.608 99999 0.147 0.138 32824 3.408 3.510 0.394 0.016 8.511 0.778 0.527 99999 0.146 0.127 33089 3.414 3.507 0.386 0.015 8.503 0.767 0.504 99999 0.144 0.123 33623 3.408 3.490 0.394 0.014 8.463 0.770 0.512 99999 0.144 0.127 33889 3.456 3.509 0.399 0.015 8.507 0.783 0.574 99999 0.147 0.119 34156 3.350 3.498 0.395 0.015 8.483 0.786 0.577 0.170 0.147 0.138 34422 3.500 3.477 0.397 0.017 8.433 0.782 0.559 0.211 0.147 0.124 34689 3.448 3.478 0.396 0.014 8.436 0.779 0.564 0.158 0.146 0.134 34955 3.477 3.477 0.400 0.018 8.434 0.730 0.438 0.177 0.137 0.110 35222 3.464 3.476 0.389 0.014 8.432 0.749 0.443 99999 0.140 0.120 35489 99999 3.438 0.395 0.013 8.342 0.750 0.453 99999 0.140 0.120 35755 3.360 3.369 0.392 0.014 8.184 0.695 0.330 0.215 0.130 0.100 36288 99999 3.422 0.384 0.014 8.305 0.721 0.434 0.193 0.135 0.118 36555 99999 3.381 0.389 0.009 8.211 0.721 0.373 99999 0.135 0.099 36821 3.397 3.347 0.388 0.015 8.134 0.687 0.354 99999 0.129 0.096 37088 99999 3.298 0.384 0.014 8.022 0.692 0.349 0.192 0.130 0.101 37354 99999 3.303 0.380 0.016 8.032 0.651 0.304 99999 0.122 0.095 37888 3.323 3.211 0.359 0.015 7.824 0.679 0.267 99999 0.127 0.127 38154 99999 3.235 0.366 0.016 7.878 0.607 0.187 99999 0.114 0.083 38421 3.191 3.056 0.345 0.015 7.480 0.531 0.152 0.246 0.099 0.070 38955 3.231 3.186 0.370 0.013 7.768 0.598 0.182 0.200 0.112 0.085 39221 3.160 3.132 0.357 0.014 7.649 0.591 0.196 99999 0.110 0.083 39487 3.302 3.159 0.367 0.015 7.708 0.637 0.229 99999 0.119 0.099 39753 3.236 3.179 0.355 0.016 7.753 0.608 0.213 99999 0.114 0.084 40020 3.194 3.152 0.360 0.015 7.692 0.594 0.177 99999 0.111 0.081 40286 3.225 3.168 0.355 0.015 7.728 0.581 0.159 99999 0.108 0.079 40552 3.132 3.110 0.358 0.014 7.598 0.550 0.175 99999 0.103 0.080 40818 3.193 3.107 0.344 0.013 7.591 0.539 0.122 99999 0.101 0.064 41103 99999 3.109 0.355 0.013 7.597 0.558 0.133 99999 0.104 0.070 41387 3.204 3.162 0.355 0.014 7.713 0.558 0.144 0.193 0.104 0.072 41654 3.221 3.170 0.367 0.010 7.732 0.532 0.124 99999 0.099 0.074 41920 3.180 3.149 0.359 0.012 7.686 0.553 0.150 0.186 0.103 0.078 42186 3.165 3.169 0.361 0.013 7.729 0.527 0.081 99999 0.098 0.063 42719 3.235 3.144 0.351 0.014 7.674 0.514 0.159 99999 0.096 0.098 42986 3.308 3.167 0.355 0.014 7.726 0.534 0.145 0.192 0.100 0.084 43251 3.126 3.047 0.346 0.015 7.460 0.499 0.129 0.199 0.093 0.077 43518 3.204 3.108 0.349 0.016 7.595 0.527 0.149 0.139 0.098 0.086 43783 3.124 3.128 0.365 0.016 7.638 0.524 0.098 99999 0.098 0.076 44317 3.243 3.157 0.364 0.011 7.703 0.516 0.093 0.114 0.096 0.082 44583 3.177 3.124 0.360 0.017 7.629 0.498 0.000 0.123 0.093 0.075 44849 3.267 3.161 0.366 0.012 7.713 0.492 0.122 99999 0.092 0.073 45115 3.178 3.131 0.363 0.015 7.646 0.502 0.126 99999 0.094 0.072 45381 3.229 3.128 0.362 0.014 7.639 0.477 0.095 99999 0.089 0.059 45914 3.174 3.165 0.374 0.013 7.722 0.471 0.040 0.204 0.088 0.048 46180 3.223 3.157 0.365 0.012 7.703 0.464 0.085 99999 0.086 0.056 46446 3.151 3.165 0.357 0.012 7.722 0.459 0.087 0.181 0.085 0.052 46712 3.096 3.102 0.358 0.014 7.581 0.467 0.105 0.163 0.087 0.053 46978 3.142 3.129 0.358 0.015 7.642 0.466 0.084 99999 0.087 0.049 47262 3.253 3.100 0.356 0.013 7.576 0.503 0.124 99999 0.094 0.061 47547 3.252 3.325 0.381 0.015 8.082 0.718 0.396 99999 0.134 0.108 47813 3.203 3.322 0.377 0.015 8.077 0.677 0.312 99999 0.127 0.099 48079 3.315 3.358 0.393 0.017 8.159 0.780 0.611 99999 0.146 0.127 48346 3.244 3.343 0.387 0.017 8.124 0.782 0.632 99999 0.146 0.130 48612 3.199 3.369 0.389 0.018 8.185 0.701 0.346 0.183 0.131 0.108 48878 3.115 3.075 0.342 0.017 7.522 0.428 0.048 0.195 0.080 0.043 49144 2.973 2.962 0.335 0.013 7.274 0.364 0.051 99999 0.068 0.035 49676 3.081 3.056 0.348 0.012 7.479 0.386 0.033 0.124 0.072 0.032 49942 3.151 2.993 0.336 0.014 7.341 0.386 0.055 0.196 0.072 0.034 50206 3.059 2.926 0.328 0.013 7.195 0.329 0.042 0.201 0.061 0.032 50472 3.022 2.947 0.341 0.014 7.241 0.320 0.047 0.197 0.059 0.033 50755 99999 2.845 0.330 0.014 7.021 0.291 0.045 0.179 0.054 0.032 51041 3.042 2.881 0.319 0.008 7.099 0.280 0.000 99999 0.052 0.035 51308 3.062 2.904 0.328 0.014 7.147 0.297 0.060 99999 0.055 0.026 51573 3.029 2.900 0.327 0.014 7.140 0.288 0.034 99999 0.053 0.031 51839 3.033 2.955 0.331 0.012 7.259 0.312 0.047 99999 0.058 0.031 52372 3.227 3.016 0.347 0.013 7.391 0.318 0.053 99999 0.059 0.032 52639 3.216 3.088 0.349 0.013 7.551 0.372 0.060 99999 0.069 0.041 52905 3.183 3.072 0.342 0.013 7.515 0.346 0.042 99999 0.064 0.034 53171 3.216 3.028 0.338 0.013 7.418 0.360 0.042 99999 0.067 0.028 53437 3.183 3.114 0.354 0.012 7.607 0.386 0.060 99999 0.072 0.041 53702 3.095 2.982 0.333 0.013 7.318 0.308 0.042 99999 0.057 0.028 53968 3.145 2.962 0.328 0.014 7.275 0.320 0.037 0.199 0.059 0.028 54234 3.131 2.996 0.336 0.014 7.348 0.326 0.033 99999 0.060 0.030 54501 3.130 2.965 0.333 0.012 7.280 0.336 0.000 99999 0.062 0.034 55034 3.135 3.018 0.339 0.012 7.396 0.331 0.037 99999 0.061 0.032 55300 3.168 3.056 0.345 0.013 7.479 0.349 0.044 0.177 0.065 0.033 55566 3.123 3.052 0.343 0.013 7.471 0.333 0.054 99999 0.062 0.029 55831 3.179 3.090 0.357 0.012 7.554 0.366 0.038 0.197 0.068 0.037 56097 3.193 3.110 0.353 0.012 7.600 0.357 0.051 0.119 0.066 0.032 56363 3.209 3.097 0.348 0.014 7.570 0.352 0.042 99999 0.065 0.030 56628 3.158 3.094 0.346 0.014 7.563 0.363 0.052 0.179 0.067 0.034 56895 3.149 3.116 0.341 0.011 7.612 0.357 0.067 99999 0.066 0.038 57161 3.167 3.133 0.357 0.014 7.650 0.379 0.083 99999 0.070 0.043 57694 3.235 3.178 0.353 0.013 7.751 0.381 0.041 0.147 0.071 0.034 57959 3.177 3.124 0.351 0.014 7.630 0.387 0.062 0.141 0.072 0.036 58225 3.270 3.131 0.366 0.013 7.645 0.410 0.100 99999 0.076 0.051 58491 3.309 3.106 0.351 0.016 7.591 0.404 0.134 0.158 0.075 0.051 58756 3.229 3.114 0.350 0.015 7.607 0.402 0.069 99999 0.075 0.041 59022 3.180 3.115 0.348 0.012 7.610 0.404 0.086 0.148 0.075 0.046 59288 3.233 3.106 0.345 0.013 7.589 0.373 0.061 99999 0.069 0.033 59554 3.460 3.418 0.386 0.015 8.297 0.699 0.324 0.219 0.131 0.098 59821 3.470 3.485 0.389 0.015 8.453 0.819 0.649 99999 0.153 0.134 60356 3.502 3.493 0.397 0.016 8.471 0.842 0.587 99999 0.158 0.141 60622 3.416 3.520 0.407 0.015 8.533 0.935 0.923 99999 0.175 0.165 60888 3.380 3.558 0.412 0.017 8.623 1.159 1.709 99999 0.218 0.242 61154 3.423 3.621 0.418 0.018 8.772 1.391 2.303 99999 0.262 0.290 61420 3.388 3.617 0.418 0.018 8.763 1.421 2.398 99999 0.267 0.284