63 1001 Timo Keber, Tanja Schuck, Andreas Engel Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhoeferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany HALO | GhOST-MS | mixing ratios of long-lived and very short-lived tracers measured with an in-situ GC-MS instrument WISE 1 1 2017 10 01 2018 03 14 0 Mean sample time in UT seconds past midnight of flight date 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 H1301 [ppt] H1211 [ppt] H2402 [ppt] H1202 [ppt] CH3Br [ppt] CH2Br2 [ppt] CHBr3 [ppt] CH2BrCl [ppt] CHBrCl2 [ppt] CHBr2Cl [ppt] 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISE flight 08 on 01.10.2017 PRELIMINARY DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please inform the authors about the use of the data Before publication, the authors of the data have to give their consent Please adhere in all cases to the WISE data protocol Contact: Andreas Engel (an.engel@iau.uni-frankfurt.de, phone +49 69 798 40259) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calibration Scale, Precision, Accuracy and Detection Limit are given separately for each dependent variable Primary calibration reference flasks: "TO-Mutter" (UEA scales), "AGAGE H-218" (all other scales) Calibration Scales SIO-05 SIO-05 SIO-14 UEA-09 SIO-05 NOAA-Jul10-p NOAA-Dec09-p SIO-10-p UEA-11 UEA-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CH3Br derived from H1211 using correlation based on balloon measurements in 2009 and 2011. CH2Br2 and CHBr2Cl derived using correlation from HALO PGS campaign 2015/2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrument precision in [%] 0.99 0.49 1.49 7.58 4.22 0.67 2.21 9.16 3.43 2.22 Instrument precision in [ppt] 0.039 0.046 0.005 0.001 0.333 0.012 0.015 0.025 0.002 0.004 Use whatever precision is larger for each data point ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accuracy of mixing ratios in calibration gas in [%] 0.6 0.3 0.8 25.0 NaN 4.9 17.3 5.8 20.6 6.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detection limit (S/N 3/1) in [ppt] per 100 mL air at STP 0.050 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.646 0.011 0.086 0.130 0.002 0.002 Values below detection limit are marked as 0.00 In case no measurements are available, the missing data value is used ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample integration time: 54 +- 1 seconds Values of t_sample are the mean of the sampling time interval ("integration time") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correction of analyte carry-over (memory effect): all substances Detector non-linearity: below measurement precision for all substances, no correction applied ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 UTC H1301 H1211 H2402 H1202 CH3Br CH2Br2 CHBr3 CH2BrCl CHBrCl2 CHBr2Cl [s] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] 43128 99999 3.477 0.401 0.013 8.433 2.272 7.109 99999 0.428 0.604 43401 3.544 3.464 0.409 0.015 8.404 1.531 3.756 0.284 0.288 0.379 43661 3.410 3.428 0.392 0.017 8.318 0.769 99999 99999 0.144 0.121 43927 99999 3.397 0.380 0.011 8.247 0.698 99999 0.228 0.131 0.103 44199 3.413 3.379 0.388 0.013 8.207 0.751 99999 0.190 0.141 0.122 44478 99999 3.385 0.391 0.012 8.221 0.921 0.768 0.214 0.173 0.150 45010 99999 3.382 0.389 0.012 8.214 0.889 0.801 0.181 0.167 0.143 45294 3.408 3.397 0.395 0.011 8.247 0.919 99999 99999 0.172 0.161 45577 99999 3.382 0.397 0.012 8.213 0.898 0.752 99999 0.169 0.145 45847 3.441 3.413 0.393 0.013 8.285 0.890 99999 0.256 0.167 0.147 46105 3.413 3.395 0.389 0.015 8.243 0.909 0.799 0.250 0.171 0.153 46363 3.312 3.407 0.400 0.013 8.272 0.870 99999 99999 0.163 0.148 46622 3.355 3.431 0.395 0.013 8.326 0.946 99999 0.195 0.177 0.157 46879 3.272 3.384 0.390 0.015 8.217 0.868 99999 99999 0.163 0.126 47138 99999 3.411 0.392 0.014 8.280 0.716 0.371 0.187 0.134 0.100 47645 3.149 3.140 0.364 0.012 7.665 0.485 0.077 0.187 0.090 0.035 47903 3.224 3.276 0.384 0.013 7.972 0.580 0.187 99999 0.108 0.058 48160 3.224 3.117 0.359 0.012 7.614 0.440 99999 99999 0.082 0.040 48418 3.161 3.073 0.353 0.012 7.517 0.429 0.062 99999 0.080 0.037 48676 3.121 3.115 0.343 0.011 7.609 0.444 0.073 0.181 0.083 0.041 48934 3.291 3.298 0.379 0.012 8.020 0.641 0.266 99999 0.120 0.084 49194 3.183 3.251 0.364 0.011 7.913 0.559 99999 0.245 0.104 0.054 49454 3.231 3.232 0.371 0.014 7.872 0.613 0.181 0.226 0.115 0.072 49714 3.211 3.224 0.368 0.012 7.855 0.578 0.146 0.236 0.108 0.060 50224 3.251 3.360 0.377 0.013 8.162 0.799 0.499 0.227 0.150 0.108 50485 3.339 3.396 0.395 0.013 8.245 0.868 0.654 0.297 0.163 0.132 50749 3.265 3.397 0.387 0.013 8.249 0.849 0.650 99999 0.159 0.125 51018 3.141 3.200 0.363 0.010 7.800 0.448 0.035 99999 0.083 0.030 51294 3.130 3.074 0.362 0.011 7.519 0.413 0.071 0.212 0.077 0.038 51578 99999 3.138 0.360 0.015 7.662 0.417 0.051 0.204 0.078 0.040 51853 3.095 3.046 0.346 0.013 7.457 0.327 0.027 0.164 0.061 0.030 52115 3.121 2.993 0.344 99999 7.342 0.303 0.029 99999 0.056 0.028 52370 3.039 3.046 0.368 0.010 7.457 0.316 0.044 99999 0.058 0.036 52871 3.108 3.078 0.348 0.013 7.527 0.307 0.018 0.261 0.057 0.026 53123 3.097 3.010 0.344 0.011 7.378 0.290 0.044 0.220 0.053 0.030 53375 99999 3.039 0.355 0.011 7.443 0.305 0.034 0.195 0.056 0.026 53627 3.110 3.148 0.344 0.015 7.684 0.321 0.050 0.212 0.059 0.030 53879 3.227 3.190 0.354 0.012 7.778 0.337 0.030 99999 0.062 0.027 54129 3.203 3.206 0.352 0.013 7.813 0.387 0.053 0.196 0.072 0.039 54380 3.236 3.345 0.371 0.016 8.129 0.461 0.105 0.176 0.086 0.048 54631 3.310 3.379 0.395 0.015 8.207 0.515 0.122 0.150 0.096 0.056 54881 3.308 3.422 0.382 0.014 8.305 0.629 0.261 99999 0.118 0.087 55379 3.371 3.469 0.377 0.014 8.416 0.827 0.592 99999 0.155 0.136 55630 3.371 3.412 0.375 0.012 8.282 0.843 0.621 99999 0.158 0.135 55880 3.372 3.432 0.378 0.013 8.328 0.784 0.492 0.262 0.147 0.117 56130 3.336 3.440 0.383 0.015 8.347 0.891 0.709 0.253 0.167 0.155 56380 3.351 3.426 0.381 0.015 8.314 0.911 0.702 0.230 0.171 0.145 56629 3.357 3.410 0.384 0.013 8.277 0.918 0.673 0.233 0.172 0.156 56879 3.389 3.428 0.388 0.013 8.320 0.964 0.755 0.229 0.181 0.162 57128 3.311 3.429 0.387 0.012 8.321 0.983 0.825 0.245 0.185 0.167 57381 99999 3.423 0.380 0.016 8.308 0.867 0.648 0.267 0.163 0.156 57883 3.295 3.404 0.390 0.014 8.263 0.938 0.955 0.348 0.176 0.195 58136 3.348 3.398 0.396 0.013 8.250 0.907 0.779 99999 0.170 0.180 58389 3.375 3.405 0.393 0.013 8.266 0.918 0.853 0.292 0.172 0.184 58641 3.410 3.422 0.389 0.014 8.305 0.945 0.915 0.279 0.177 0.184 58893 3.412 3.416 0.393 0.015 8.293 0.959 0.870 99999 0.180 0.194 59145 3.413 3.452 0.392 0.015 8.374 0.950 0.908 0.268 0.178 0.177 59397 3.337 3.418 0.401 0.014 8.297 0.927 0.725 99999 0.174 0.154 59649 3.438 3.454 0.399 0.014 8.380 0.934 0.752 0.226 0.175 0.154 59900 3.384 3.414 0.386 0.015 8.288 0.886 0.723 99999 0.166 0.154 60401 3.438 3.432 0.403 0.010 8.329 0.923 0.730 0.172 0.173 0.161 60653 3.411 3.434 0.390 0.012 8.334 0.928 0.720 99999 0.174 0.143 60904 3.361 3.416 0.396 0.012 8.292 0.920 0.760 0.282 0.173 0.166 61156 3.333 3.440 0.396 0.013 8.347 0.957 0.890 99999 0.180 0.183 61407 3.331 3.419 0.393 0.013 8.299 0.926 0.851 0.273 0.174 0.179 61659 3.357 3.376 0.399 0.013 8.199 0.935 0.912 99999 0.175 0.190 61911 3.343 3.437 0.400 0.012 8.339 1.004 1.001 99999 0.189 0.191 62162 3.417 3.384 0.395 0.012 8.217 0.984 0.950 0.325 0.185 0.191 62413 3.402 3.406 0.403 0.010 8.269 0.979 0.930 0.284 0.184 0.175 62914 3.338 3.420 0.397 0.011 8.302 1.034 0.956 0.330 0.194 0.168 63166 3.390 3.404 0.386 0.013 8.263 1.023 0.943 99999 0.192 0.173 63417 3.401 3.416 0.380 0.012 8.291 1.049 1.021 99999 0.197 0.196 63669 3.322 3.407 0.398 0.012 8.271 0.941 0.869 0.338 0.177 0.182 63920 3.366 3.367 0.380 0.015 8.178 0.836 0.679 0.211 0.157 0.136 64173 99999 3.330 0.383 0.014 8.095 0.672 0.198 0.170 0.126 0.072 64425 3.311 3.287 0.385 0.015 7.995 0.642 0.197 99999 0.120 0.068 64676 3.218 3.240 0.383 0.016 7.891 0.626 0.184 0.199 0.117 0.071 64927 3.227 3.146 0.357 0.016 7.679 0.530 0.116 99999 0.099 0.054 65427 3.066 2.888 0.318 0.014 7.114 0.410 0.032 99999 0.076 0.035 65678 3.002 2.764 0.317 0.012 6.848 0.372 0.044 99999 0.069 0.032 65930 3.076 2.734 0.321 0.010 6.785 0.382 0.046 99999 0.071 0.038 66182 3.016 2.792 0.314 0.013 6.908 0.384 0.057 99999 0.071 0.029 66432 3.050 2.760 0.315 0.010 6.841 0.385 0.041 0.175 0.072 0.037 66684 2.935 2.756 0.322 0.011 6.832 0.367 0.040 99999 0.068 0.033 67183 3.056 2.743 0.322 0.012 6.805 0.377 0.033 99999 0.070 0.031 67435 3.068 2.762 0.315 0.011 6.844 0.372 0.041 99999 0.069 0.029 67686 3.015 2.780 0.315 0.010 6.883 0.390 0.031 99999 0.072 0.032 67940 2.930 2.596 0.303 0.009 6.499 0.329 0.049 99999 0.061 0.030 68195 99999 2.646 0.310 0.009 6.603 0.332 0.044 0.210 0.061 0.030 68447 3.015 2.834 0.334 0.009 6.999 0.388 0.037 99999 0.072 0.033 68695 3.188 3.048 0.355 0.011 7.461 0.487 0.064 99999 0.091 0.046 68942 3.212 3.180 0.370 0.010 7.754 0.524 0.081 0.209 0.098 0.055 69191 3.296 3.189 0.374 0.011 7.774 0.544 0.080 0.145 0.101 0.052 69439 3.311 3.315 0.386 0.012 8.059 0.723 0.390 99999 0.135 0.107 69687 3.360 3.348 0.390 0.011 8.136 0.754 0.423 0.166 0.141 0.107 69935 3.295 3.377 0.390 0.012 8.203 0.834 0.661 0.303 0.156 0.143 70433 3.361 3.360 0.396 0.012 8.163 0.879 0.759 99999 0.165 0.166 70682 3.282 3.377 0.392 0.011 8.202 0.890 0.762 99999 0.167 0.170 70930 3.346 3.383 0.386 0.014 8.215 0.908 0.753 99999 0.170 0.169 71180 3.264 3.390 0.396 0.010 8.233 0.879 0.664 99999 0.165 0.160 71429 3.338 3.405 0.391 0.011 8.266 0.882 0.682 99999 0.165 0.156 71677 3.280 3.381 0.388 0.013 8.212 0.884 0.718 99999 0.166 0.170 71927 3.344 3.368 0.398 0.016 8.182 0.856 0.637 0.256 0.160 0.150 72176 3.274 3.401 0.395 0.014 8.257 0.887 0.677 0.297 0.166 0.154 72424 3.345 3.419 0.386 0.015 8.299 0.871 0.642 99999 0.163 0.154 72922 3.312 3.432 0.390 0.015 8.328 0.861 0.616 0.204 0.161 0.135 73170 3.289 3.432 0.396 0.017 8.329 0.866 0.673 99999 0.162 0.136 73419 3.284 3.416 0.382 0.013 8.293 0.892 0.585 99999 0.167 0.145 73667 3.329 3.424 0.397 0.012 8.311 0.888 0.657 0.149 0.167 0.145 73916 3.295 3.437 0.390 0.014 8.340 0.905 0.666 99999 0.170 0.146 74164 3.275 3.354 0.394 0.013 8.150 0.878 0.642 99999 0.165 0.141 74414 3.327 3.417 0.397 0.017 8.294 0.881 0.642 0.211 0.165 0.153 74667 3.331 3.410 0.385 0.014 8.279 0.889 0.619 0.272 0.167 0.148 74918 3.298 3.379 0.397 0.017 8.207 0.879 0.635 0.325 0.165 0.147 75420 3.355 3.388 0.387 0.016 8.227 0.891 0.658 0.256 0.167 0.152 75671 3.404 3.414 0.394 0.016 8.288 0.874 0.665 99999 0.164 0.152 75922 3.339 3.382 0.392 0.015 8.213 0.893 0.664 0.194 0.167 0.154 76174 3.316 3.376 0.385 0.015 8.200 0.894 0.701 99999 0.168 0.168 76426 3.396 3.415 0.401 0.013 8.289 0.901 0.682 0.230 0.169 0.152 76924 3.347 3.394 0.392 0.011 8.242 0.882 0.698 0.205 0.165 0.168 77170 3.330 3.394 0.385 0.012 8.241 0.982 0.995 99999 0.184 0.173 77418 3.287 3.393 0.389 0.012 8.238 0.938 0.979 99999 0.176 0.179 77665 3.253 3.331 0.385 0.012 8.097 0.745 0.392 99999 0.139 0.126 77913 3.268 3.404 0.394 0.014 8.265 0.742 99999 99999 0.139 0.105 78160 3.266 3.371 0.392 0.015 8.188 0.768 0.544 0.248 0.144 0.125 78407 3.331 3.403 0.399 0.015 8.262 1.006 1.284 99999 0.189 0.177 78655 3.819 3.389 0.396 99999 8.230 1.236 2.127 0.287 0.232 0.253