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Flight: 241112a

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last modified 3 months and 20 days ago

General properties

General properties of the flight
No. 241112a
Mission PERCUSION is related to the project SPP 1294 HALO
Category Platform HALO
Start 2024-11-12 10:17:40
Stop 2024-11-12 19:10:30
Comment No comment specified.

Traffic hubs

Traffic hubs for deperature and arrival
  Departure Arrival
Country Germany Germany
Latitude 47.99972° North 48.06778° North
Longitude 10.23722° East 11.28806° East
Altitude 634.3 m 593.4 m

Map of the flight track

Associated Datasets

Associated datasets include their categories (see glossary), data sources(see glossary) and their authors.
Dataset Category Data source Institute Creation
#10405 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2025-03-10
#10406 | HALO-20241112b_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2025-03-10
#10407 | HALO-20241112b_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2025-03-10
#10408 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2025-03-10
#10409 | HALO-20241112b_IGI_100Hz_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2025-03-10

Attached files

The current 241112a of the platform HALO is related to further files.

Attached files of current 241112a.
Type Name/Description Provider Creation
KML path HALO-20241112b_BAHAMAS_V01
DLR 2025-03-10
Quicklook HALO-20241112b_BAHAMAS_V01
DLR 2025-03-10

flights of the mission PERCUSION

Flights Category Start Stop
240809b HALO 2024-08-09 09:41:13 15:57:30
240811a HALO 2024-08-11 11:59:34 20:35:58
240813a HALO 2024-08-13 14:15:39 23:18:06
240816a HALO 2024-08-16 11:35:40 20:03:22
240818a HALO 2024-08-18 10:04:40 19:03:59
240821a HALO 2024-08-21 12:23:36 19:52:41
240822a HALO 2024-08-22 11:23:09 19:40:14
240825a HALO 2024-08-25 09:14:50 18:58:43
240903a HALO 2024-09-03 11:32:07 20:24:25
240906a HALO 2024-09-06 10:36:20 17:57:01
240909a HALO 2024-09-09 11:40:39 20:46:36
240912a HALO 2024-09-12 11:29:49 20:05:07
240914a HALO 2024-09-14 11:29:17 20:04:08
240916a HALO 2024-09-16 11:36:58 20:56:49
240919a HALO 2024-09-19 11:01:15 19:56:21
240921a HALO 2024-09-21 11:22:32 20:07:39
240923a HALO 2024-09-23 11:13:39 20:06:15
240924a HALO 2024-09-24 15:37:23 21:46:17
240926a HALO 2024-09-26 11:42:34 20:23:44
240928a HALO 2024-09-28 10:47:01 20:02:38
240929a HALO 2024-09-29 21:56:12 2024-09-30 07:13:01
241105a HALO 2024-11-05 11:29:17 18:39:23
241107a HALO 2024-11-07 10:57:17 19:02:24
241110a HALO 2024-11-10 09:59:46 15:36:36
241112a HALO 2024-11-12 10:17:40 19:10:30
241114a HALO 2024-11-14 09:59:03 18:39:42
241116a HALO 2024-11-16 10:41:19 18:35:34
241119a HALO 2024-11-19 09:27:01 15:48:37
240730a HALO 2024-07-30 08:15:37 11:45:26
240829a HALO 2024-08-29 12:20:38 20:30:08
240831a HALO 2024-08-31 08:51:01 17:41:37
240827b HALO 2024-08-27 14:57:20 19:08:18
240907a HALO 2024-09-07 12:49:51 20:40:35